(1)用 CMake Tools + clangd,就不会有这些麻烦,一个 compile_commands.json 直接告诉 VSCode 全部的信息,并且这个文件是自动生成的。 (2)如果你用的是 Makefile 不想迁移到 CMake,Bear 了解一下。 (3)不论是 clangd 还是微软官方的 cpptools,都支持读取 compile_commands.json,有了它就不需要手写 c_cpp_...
Clangd 一个Language Server Protocol,提供C/C++代码的语法检查、代码补全。 Vim 在VS Code里面使用Vim的键位。 Power Mode 花里胡哨的特效,可以让写代码好玩一点。 indent-rainbow 给缩进加上颜色提示,特别适合Python。 发布于 2022-10-15 18:34 赞同21716 条评论 分享收藏喜欢收起正经...
I am using Windows 11, and I have downloaded the gcc compiler from mingw-w64, which should include all the basic system headers, and I am using clangd for vscode. For some reason, clangd still has a hard time trying to find all the basic header files, even when I specify multiple -...
提示:clang(pp_file_not_found) 查了半天也没有找到解决方法。还好在github上看到一个merge:Expand documentation about compile command inference for header files 方法1: 所以我们只需在在vscode的clangd插件的设置中新增参数即可解决,位置:设置-clangd:clangd.arguments --compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}/bu...
Bug type: Debugger Describe the bug OS and Version: macOS 11.5.1 VS Code Version: C/C++ Extension Version: v1.6.0 Other extensions you installed (and if the issue persists after disabling them): clangd A clear and concise description of ...
1,安装vscode clangd插件,如果要求安装host端clangd工具,也一并装上 2, 关闭C/C++InteliSence插件 3, 配置clangd插件。在clangd的插件配置里(扩展设置里的Clangd:Arguments), 选Add Item,依次加上这些项: --compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}--background-index--completion-style=detailed--header-insertion...
"clangd.arguments": [ "--compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}/build", "--completion-style=detailed", "--header-insertion=never" ], Solution 3: The extension requires the compile_commands.json file to be located in the root directory of the Folder in order to be detected. ...
但是,clangd 中的完全相同的行graph.h不断给我错误:forehead/include.h\' file not found clang(pp_file_not_found),阻止我跳转到该文件,每个关键字或函数都include.h被 clangd 视为错误。 \n 环境: \n \n 操作系统:macOS 文图拉 13.0 \n 铿锵:16.0.3 ...
"clangd.path":"/root/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd/install/12.0.1/clangd_12.0.1/bin/clangd","clangd.arguments":["--log=verbose","--header-insertion=never","--query-driver=/usr/bin/g++*"] ...