如果这是您的问题,您可以通过在 VSCode 上打开“clangd”语言服务器输出并查找如下行来诊断它: ASTWorker building file e:\your\folder\forehead\include.h version1withcommand inferredfromE:\somewhere\else\Include.cpp Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 这非常烦人,我不认为有一个干净的方法可以解决它...
提示:clang(pp_file_not_found) 查了半天也没有找到解决方法。还好在github上看到一个merge:Expand documentation about compile command inference for header files 方法1: 所以我们只需在在vscode的clangd插件的设置中新增参数即可解决,位置:设置-clangd:clangd.arguments --compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}/bu...
I am using Windows 11, and I have downloaded the gcc compiler from mingw-w64, which should include all the basic system headers, and I am using clangd for vscode. For some reason, clangd still has a hard time trying to find all the basic header files, even when I specify multiple -...
解决:修改vscode settings,加入配置 "clangd.path":"/root/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd/install/12.0.1/clangd_12.0.1/bin/clangd","clangd.arguments":["--log=verbose","--header-insertion=never","--query-driver=/usr/bin/g++*"] 工程非cmake构建或c...
I am new to C++, I used clangd in vscode for the first time, but I encountered some troubles, mainly because of some problems with file references. I read "troubleshooting", and it suggested that compile_commands.json needs to be set, but I don't know how to set it? ask for help ...
这样一来,依赖 clangd 的lsp 就能知道每个文件如何正确编译,最终让 vscode 正确识别。 而CMakeLists.txt 在这里充当什么角色?充当项目的「工程文件」,也就是 Project File。 你如果是用 IDE,要么是用那个 IDE 专属的工程文件,要么是用 CMakeLists.txt 这种「通用工程文件」,没有工程文件的独立代码,在 IDE 里边...
1,安装vscode clangd插件,如果要求安装host端clangd工具,也一并装上 2, 关闭C/C++InteliSence插件 3, 配置clangd插件。在clangd的插件配置里(扩展设置里的Clangd:Arguments), 选Add Item,依次加上这些项: --compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}--background-index--completion-style=detailed--header-insertion...
"clangd.arguments": [ "--compile-commands-dir=${workspaceFolder}/build", "--completion-style=detailed", "--header-insertion=never" ], Solution 3: The extension requires the compile_commands.json file to be located in the root directory of the Folder in order to be detected. ...
配置.clangd 开始使用分析工具 Command + Shift + P 打开 command palette ~/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd/install/15.0.3/clangd_15.0.3/bin/clangd 指定compiler database 等参数: --compile-commands-dir=<string> - Specify a path to look for compile_co...