Try to push a code change and it fails with a ssh failure. If I open the terminal from vscode, it appears the local environment for SSH_AUTH_SOCK is pointing to a bogus file, such that there is no ssh agent that can be used $ ls -l $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ls: cannot access '/tmp/ssh...
After update vscode version to 1.25.0, I cannot push my local Angular 6 code changes on to github. There is an popup window shows "Cannot push refs to remote. Trying running 'Pull' first to integrate your changes". I've also checked the ...
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Invalid selection. Please select a heading to decrease its level.'); return; } const currentLevel = match[1].length; if (currentLevel === 1) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage('Cannot decrease heading level. Already at the lowest level.'); return; } const n...
errors.push('name cannot contain leading or trailing spaces') } // 包名是否包含在上面定义的blacklist黑名单列表中,若是则不被允许,抛出error blacklist.forEach(function (blacklistedName) { if (name.toLowerCase() === blacklistedName) { errors.push(blacklistedName + ' is a blacklisted name') }...
5.VS Code管理github项目 参考地址: GPL协议的理解(开源与商用、免费与收费)参考链接: 如果你用了我的 GPL协议开发的软件,那么你的软件也必须要开源; 如果你不开源,那么就...
5. 创建远程仓库:登录到 Git 托管平台(如 GitHub、GitLab 等),创建一个新的远程仓库。 6. 添加远程仓库地址:在命令行中,使用以下命令将远程仓库的 URL 添加到本地 Git 仓库中: “` git remote add origin “` 替换“” 为远程仓库的 URL。
*/ public add<T extends IDisposable>(o: T): T { if (!o) { return o; } if ((o as unknown as DisposableStore) === this) { throw new Error('Cannot register a disposable on itself!'); } setParentOfDisposable(o, this); if (this._isDisposed) { if (!DisposableStore.DISABLE_...
git 仓库地址: 通过Eletron 集成了桌面应用,可以跨平台使用,开发语言主要采用微软自家的 TypeScript。整个项目结构比较清晰,方便阅读代码理解。成为了最流行跨平台的桌面 IDE 应用 微软希望 VSCode 在保持核心轻量级的基础上,增加项目支持,智能感知,编译调试。编译...
.github Doctor command testing (#365) 4年前 .vscode Doctor command testing (#365) 4年前 ci Push to github 5年前 docs Embed python and git for Windows. (#416) 4年前 external/chromium add ninja build summary from chromium tools (#315) ...
Specifies whether to provide blame information in the status bar 2422 "gitlens.statusBar.enabled": true, 2423 2424 // Specifies the format of the blame information in the status bar. See [_Commit Tokens_]( in ...