执行git push到到 Github出错 $ git push -u origin main kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by port 22 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 1. 2. 3. 4. 用vscode和idea都报了这个错 之前一直可行,怎么突然不行了?发现是我换了代理...
.project .settings .springBeans .sts4-cache ### IntelliJ IDEA ### .idea *.iws *.iml *.ipr ### NetBeans ### /nbproject/private/ /nbbuild/ /dist/ /nbdist/ /.nb-gradle/ build/ !**/src/main/**/build/ !**/src/test/**/build/ ### VS Code ### .vscode/ Binary file added...
合并之后目标分支上还会产生一个merge commit id。这个merge commit id就是将pr包含的commit_id(源分支...
然后通过 GitHub 的网页或者 API 向 Microsoft/vscode 发起一个 pull request,对方如果同意则会从他那边...
今天使用VSCODE 学习node.js, 想在git上push代码 于是在git上建立了一个私有的长裤, 连接后push代码时提示如下错误: error: failed to push some refs to'git@github.com:..." Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have locally.Thisisusually caused by another repository...
git 错误error: failed to push some refs to 今天使用VSCODE 学习node.js, 想在git上push代码 于是在git上建立了一个私有的长裤, 连接后push代码时提示如下错误: error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:..." Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do not have...
Run npm run build to build the management SDK for testing. Run npm run build:release to build the release version of management SDK. Running Tests To run tests, run npm run test from the root of the project. You can use debug mode for tests with .vscode/launch.json file. Coding Conven...
Type: Feature Request i am unable to push the code in github how can give permissions VS Code version: Code 1.91.1 (f1e16e1, 2024-07-09T22:06:49.809Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631 Modes:
これでpushと同時にpush先のmasterブランチを上流ブランチとしても設定することができるので、VSCodeからpushがうまくいくようになります。 ちなみに、 git push は、特に初めてブランチをPushするときに「-u」オプションをつけることを推奨されます。
Runnpm run buildto build the management SDK for testing. Runnpm run build:releaseto build the release version of management SDK. Running Tests To run tests, runnpm run testfrom the root of the project. You can use debug mode for tests with.vscode/launch.jsonfile. ...