I installed git version 2.31.1.windows.1 and followed all the necessary steps shown in all git step by step trying to use VSCode as my main difftool, I put these lines in gitconfig files: [diff] tool = vscode [difftool "vscode"] cmd = "code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE" [diff...
通过git gui 或者通过 git bash 查看文件内容并没有修改,出现这个问题的原因是修改了文件的权限,文件的filemode发生了变化,比如执行了chmod命令。 解决办法: 切换到项目的根目录,执行如下命令,忽略filemode的变化即可 git config --add core.filemodefalse
VS Code as Git Mergetool This extension provides diff editor layouts and more for common-base merges (aka. “3-way merges”) directly in VS Code. Demo screencast Features Assists in setting up suitable Git and VS Code configuration options, which allows that VS Code is invoked when an exte...
readonlyfilesToDiff?:IPathData[]; We need to handle this request both for when a new window opens as initial editors to open but also when opening into an existing window, which is the more typical case for when using git while VSCode is already running: ...
Git Lens 虽然VSCode 有内置的 Git 功能,但是还不够强大。 Git Lens 增加了 Git 的功能,我们可以在每一行代码中查看提交信息,它还可以比较不同的 commit 差异,以及一些其他有用的 Git 功能。 下载地址:marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemN… Open in GitHub 可以快速在 Github 中打开项目、文件、Action...
同时他也提出早期会疯狂的在公司内部寻找落地场景,比如Visual Studio Online的在线 Code DIff 页面,TypeScript 的官网的 Playground 编辑器,OneDrive 代码文件,Edge 浏览器 Dev Tool 的代码浏览等。 一个重要转折点是微软本身发生的巨大变化: 伴随微软整个的开放开源跨平台风潮,Erich Gamma 敏锐的决定将产品从 Browser...
笔者开源了一个小项目code-run,类似codepen的一个工具,其中代码编辑器使用的是微软的Monaco Editor,这个库是直接从VSCode的源码中生成的,只不过是做了一点修改让它支持在浏览器中运行,但是功能基本是和VSCode一样强大的,所以在笔者看来Monaco Editor等于VSCode的编辑
[diff]tool = default-difftool[difftool "default-difftool"]cmd = code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE Save and close the.gitconfigfile this should allow the git command line to continue. Now we can try some git interactive command such asgit rebase <branch> -i ...
// - ms-vscode.references-view: Reference Search results as separate, stable view in the sidebar // - vscode.npm: 为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。 // - vscode.php-language-features: 为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。 // - vscode.python: 在 Python 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能...
Also, as I said above, we don't currently search the %user% path, and that's something to consider. Anyone who's using VS Code as diff/merge tool is welcome to suggest a fix.