I installed git version 2.31.1.windows.1 and followed all the necessary steps shown in all git step by step trying to use VSCode as my main difftool, I put these lines in gitconfig files: [diff] tool = vscode [difftool "vscode"] cmd = "code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE" [diff...
file:D:/Program Files/Git/etc/gitconfig diff.astextplain.textconv=astextplain file:D:/Program Files/Git/etc/gitconfig filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f ... //global file:C:/Users/Administrator/.gitconfig user.name=shusheng007 file:C:/Users/Administrator/.gitconfig user.email=568894336...
14. Paste JSON as Code Paste JSON as Code 能迅速将 JSON 数据转换为代码。附带预设类型和 quicktype 扩展,简直神器! 15. Jupyter Jupyter旨在快速使用 Jupyter Notebook。它提供了一种快速高效的查看、修改和运行 Jupyter Notebook 的方式 16. Markdown All in One Markdown 爱好者必备!Markdown All in One...
The first window will always restore the size and location as you left it before closing. // - default: Open new windows in the center of the screen. // - inherit: Open new windows with same dimension as last active one. // - offset: Open new windows with same dimension as last act...
Fast load times for Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) files. Any notebook file is loaded and rendered as quickly as possible, while execution-related operations are initialized behind the scenes. Includes anotebook-friendly diff tool, making it much easier to compare and see differences between code cel...
Also, as I said above, we don't currently search the %user% path, and that's something to consider. Anyone who's using VS Code as diff/merge tool is welcome to suggest a fix.
import * as vscode from 'vscode'; 1. 而实际上这只是一个 vscode.d.ts 类型声明文件,它声明了所有插件可用的 API 类型。 这些API 的具体实现在 src/vs/workbench/api/common/extHost.api.impl.ts createApiFactoryAndRegisterActors 那么具体这些 API 在 plugin 执行上下文是何时注入的呢?其实是在插件 import...
- ms-vscode.references-view: Reference Search results as separate, stable view in the sidebar 96 // - vscode.npm: 为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。97 // - vscode.php-language-features: 为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。98 // - vscode.python: 在 Python 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能...
import*asmonacofrom'monaco-editor'// 创建一个js编辑器consteditor=monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById('container'),{value:['function x() {','\tconsole.log("Hello world!");','}'].join('\n'),language:'javascript',theme:'vs'}) ...
// - ms-vscode.references-view: Reference Search results as separate, stable view in the sidebar // - vscode.npm: 为 npm 脚本提供任务支持的扩展。 // - vscode.php-language-features: 为 PHP 文件提供丰富的语言支持。 // - vscode.python: 在 Python 文件中提供语法高亮、括号匹配和折叠功能...