【SEVENTEEN】reaction团综 GOING SEVENTEEN SVTSIDE OUT 次人的喜怒哀乐 全程很兴奋 精神分裂的次人 狗狗珉奎可爱 1.8万 31 01:54:58 App 【reaction SEVENTEEN】看综艺 STAR SHOW 360全员演员 演的太好了 圆和奎真的去演戏吧 又好笑又想哭 947 12 01:04:00 App 【SEVENTEEN】团综综艺 reaction GOING ...
seventeen真实睡姿vs going睡姿 û收藏 391 471 ñ12109 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 娱乐博主 查看更多 a 1186关注 907.5万粉丝 80771微博 微关系 她的关注(1020) 声生不息官微 祁连-搜索ing 一念关山的关微 电视剧鸣龙少年...
● Will、Going To均可用来谈论将来。Going To (gonna) 在口语中比较常用,Will则在正式的书面语中比较常用。★ Andy will/Andy is going to meet us in the restaurant at 8 P.M.★ 安迪将于晚上8点在餐厅与我们见面。★ Will you/Are you going to come back this evening?★ 你今天晚上会回来吗?★...
Will_vs_Be_going_to_-_English_In_a_Minute是【140集全】一分钟系列 | 60秒提高你的英语水平的第138集视频,该合集共计140集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
BE GOING TO:◆ You can use BE GOING TO when we know for sure something will happen very soon.◆ 当确定某事会发生时,用BE GOING TO。★ Andy is going to stay at the hospital for a while.★ 安迪要住院一段时间。★ I think he is going to lose this fight.★ 我认为他会输掉这场比赛。
0521 heading VS going 对话5遍 2019-06-24 08:36:4200:49 45 所属专辑:外教Daily Easy English音视频 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 带对话原文,单句对话5遍重复加3遍完整读,边听节目边练口语 该系列音频素材取自Daily Easy English视频,专门截取出对话部分进行整合目的是降低学习难度,帮助初学者也能有效的学习,学习...
We are going to be looking at two very similar and confusing tenses.我们要学习两个非常相似且令人困惑的时态。I know that a lot of my students struggle with these.我知道很多我的学生为此而苦苦挣扎。Take a look at these two sentences.看一下这两个句子。I have lived in England for three years...
记住,当你想预测未来的时候,你可以用will或 be going to。那个意思是一样的.For example.:I willbe famous someday...or...I am going to be famous someday.例如:总有一天我会出名的...我总有一天会出名的.B;Thanks so much for the grammar lesson.So arewe going to have dinner tonight or ...
Soitwaseasyformetokindofseewhereit'sgoingifyoujustsortofextrapolatethepointsonacurveandassumethattrendwillcontinue, thenwewillhaveprofoundartificialintelligenceand, obviously, atalevelthatfarexceedshumanintelligence.因此,我很容易看出它的走向,如果你只是推断曲线上的点,并假设趋势将继续下去,那么我们将拥有深刻的...
"Will" and "going to" are both used in some pretty similar ways. But there are some subtle differences. Find out what they are here.