Will就指将来,以后会发生,be going to指即将发生的,而且是马上就要发生的, 来自Android客户端5楼2013-05-28 08:15 收起回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示6回复贴,共1页 <返回英语吧发表...
一般将来时 Future Simple: Will vs Going To vs Shall ● Will and Going To are commonly used to talk about the future. However, Going To is preferred in spoken English (where it is often pronounced gonna and Will is preferred in formal written English.● Will、Going To均可用来谈论将来。
Will vs Going to Similarity in Usage相似的用法 Both Will and Going to can be used for making future predictions without having a real difference in meaning. Will和Going to都可以用来做未来的预测,而不会有真正意义上的区别。Example: 例子:I think it willbe foggy tomorrow. = I think it is ...
● When we talk about intentions or decisions about the future that were made some time before we speak, we preferGoing To. ● 事先计划或事先决定做某事,倾向于使用Going To。 ★ They’re going to get married next year. ★ 他们明年就要结婚了。 ★ Cathy is going to retire before she reac...
Learn the Difference BetweenWillvsGoing toin English with grammar rules and examples. 通过语法规则和例子学习Will和Going to在英语中的区别。 In English grammar, both “Will” and “Be Going to” are used to express future tense but they do not have the same meaning. 在英语语法中,Will和Be Go...
Willvs.Going to: Times when it’s better to use “will” Willis a much better word choice thangoing toin a number of situations. Long term predictions If you are making a prediction about something far in the future,willis the more common wording in English. ...
WILL vs. BE GOING TO ◆ In general, WILL and BE GOING TO are used to talk about the future.◆ WILL和BE GOING TO均可用来谈论将来。★ I will help you tomorrow.★ 我明天会帮你。★ I think it’s going to rain later.★ 我想一会儿会下雨。★ We will visit you next week.★ 我们下周...
1、 "Future Will vs. Going to" 2、 "“Will be doing” vs. “will do”" 3、 "Simple Future"
● 预测有迹象发生某事,或根据所感所见或者是因为被告知某事即将发生,用Going To。 ★ Listen to the loud crash of thunder. It’s going to rain. ★ 听那震耳的雷声,天就要下雨了。 ★ I wouldn’t walk across that old bridge if I were you. It looks like it is going to collapse. ...