确保你已安装 Python 扩展,并重新启动 VS Code。 2. Python 环境未配置 如果Python 环境无法识别,VS Code 可能无法找到你的 Python 解释器。 解决方案: 在VS Code 中,按下Ctrl + Shift + P,输入并选择 “Python: Select Interpreter”,然后选择你所使用的 Python 环境。 3. launch.json 配置错误 如果launch....
ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-run". During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135. 这个报错,是因为我在编译task的时候, 有把dll动态库文件放到dll目录下,但是在执行exe的时候,exe只让当前目录下的dll才有效。解决办法。 在launch.json中加environment字段...
unable to start debugging 这两个问题只是好几个小问题的总体概括,现在(深吸一口气),就是要开始walk through again 我suffer了什么。 首先保留现场,这是我目前编译,debug功能正常的VS Code。 保留现场,当前的tasks.json,launch.json文件内容如下: /tasks.json--final/{"version":"2.0.0","tasks":[{"type":...
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The debug requestcould not be processed by the server due to invalid syntax. 有几周没调程序了,也记不起来我机器系统环境有啥变化了,试了几个以前正常好用的程序,都是报出同样的错误。IIS也查看了一下,苦思不得其解,后来百度一下,查到了如下微软文章: ...
I followed the "getting started" page and the code compiles fine but the remote debugger doesn't seem reachable, I receive the error "Unable to start debugging. Check your debugger settings by opening project properties and navigating to 'Configuration Properties--> Debugging'" ...
按照VS Code官方文档Using Mingw-w64 in VS Code一步一步搭建好调试环境,编译很顺利通过了。 但是调试的时候出问题了。在VS Code中按F5启动Debug,VS的终端(Terminal)中输出了一段命令:c:\Users\efrey\.vscode\extensions\ms-vscode.cpptools-0.25.0\debugAdapters\bin\WindowsDebugLauncher.exe --stdin=Microsoft...
After updating to 1.76.2 I was still unable to start a debug session with breakpoints, another update as indicated by the VS Code settings appears to have fixed the issue. I can currently start a debug session with breakpoints already set. ...
vs code de..unable to create variable object第一行cur_mod=2能监视到但是第二次循环就这样了dd傻逼伞兵傻逼
macOS 中默认使用 LLDB(Low Level Debugger)进行 C/C++ 的调试,具体实现方式不展开。VS Code 上有一个插件CodeLLDB可以用于在 VS Code 终端中输入信息,安装插件之后,修改tasks.json如下: {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"type":"lldb","request":"launch","name":"Debug","program":"${fileDirna...
Hi. I try to run/debug C/C++ project and I keep getting this error message. I tried to repair VS 2022 from the installer with no success. I tried to remove it completely using InstallCleanup.exe and installing it back with no success. …