"externalConsole":true,//true显示外置的控制台窗口,false显示内置终端 "MIMode":"gdb", "miDebuggerPath":"D:\\MinGW\\mingw64\\bin\\gdb.exe", "setupCommands": [ { "description":"Enable pretty-printing for gdb", "text":"-enable-pretty-printing", "ignoreFailures":true } ] } ] } tasks....
简介:vscode出现 ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command “-exec-run“. 在vscode中使用mingw的g++编译,运行gdb来debug时候出现的问题 1.检查是否使用mingw相同目录下的g++.exe和gdb.exe,一定要对应上 task.json launch.json 一般情况下,这种对应了就能解决了 2.把使用的mingw的bin...
1. Unable to start debugging.Unexpected GDB output from command. 2. 程序点击运行一直无结果 二、原因 路径中含有中文。 三、解决办法 将文件放入不包含中文的路径下。
"Unable to start debugging. Program path 'C:\VisualStudioCode\Chap01\main.exe is missing or invalid" "GDB failed with the message: "C:\VisualStudioCode\Chap01\main.exe": not in executable format: File format not recognized." I'm able to run the gdb debugger from MingGW 64 bit (Versio...
[], "stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${fileDirname}", "environment": [], "externalConsole": false, "MIMode": "gdb", "miDebuggerPath": "/path/to/gdb", "setupCommands": [ { "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", "ignoreFailures": ...
问题1:Unable to start debugging. Program path ‘...’is missing or invalid 解决:是由于路径中存在中文所导致,把中文改成英文在获取文件。 问题2:Unable to start debugging.The value of miDebuggerPath is invalid 解决:把miDebuggerPath中的路径改为安装wingw64的路径(知道bin文件夹中的gdb文件)...
when I run my file it says Build finished successfully. but afterwards it says unable to start debugging here are the other files I have that pop up launch.json : "configurations": [ {"name":"C/C++: clang++ build and debug active file","type":"cppdbg","request":"launc...
按照本⽂的流程可在vscode平台上实现像在windows系统下VS调试C++程序的效果。本⽂旨在让刚接触vscode却⼜不知如何 debug的童鞋能够快速搭建⾃⼰的编程环境,使更多的精⼒focus在coding或algrithm上,若有错误的地⽅,欢迎指正和交流。废话不多说,下⾯我们就开始吧!
PS:文件夹和文件名不要用中文,很多网友因为使用中文名的文件夹,导致出现了 Unable to start debugging.Unexpected GDB output from command 这种错误。 如果想用 vscode 搭建C 语言编译环境,见本文最后的 launch. json 和 tasks.json 文件,可供参考。
1.ERROR: Unable to start debugging. Unexpected GDB output from command "-exec-run". During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135. 5.1 GDB ERROR 出现这种错误,一般是配置文件的问题。网上有人说是gdb版本的问题,gdb版本降到9.0 之后,问题可以解决。实际降到9.0 后 ,问题依然存在。 需要修改launc...