下载Github Blogger(VS Code)插件。 准备好你的Github Personal Access Token,该插件使用 Github API 来创建、更新 Issue/Labels 等。 下载安装插件后,使用「Command + Shift + P 」或「Ctrl + Shift + P」唤起命令面板,支持以下两个命令: 键入Config Github Blogger 以初始化配置 键入Open Github Blogger 以打...
下载Github Blogger(VS Code)插件。 准备好你的Github Personal Access Token,该插件使用 Github API 来创建、更新 Issue/Labels 等。 下载安装插件后,使用「Command + Shift + P 」或「Ctrl + Shift + P」唤起命令面板,支持以下两个命令: 键入Config Github Blogger 以初始化配置 键入Open Github Blogger 以打...
在Github首页点击头像,选择Settings进入设置页面。 image 点击左侧侧边栏Developer settings,进入开发者设置。 image 选择Personal access tokens,点击右侧Generate new token。 image 填写token名称,在下方勾选gist。 image 点击下方的Generate token按钮生成一个新的token。 image 将生成的新的token保存下来。 image 在vsc...
3.创建一个Personal Access Token 其实这货就跟 Github 的Access Token差不多的一个玩意,用来允许访问凭证(可控!因为可以部分功能开放) 点进去团队之后,右上角,如图所示 如上所示的,红圈那一串就是发布用到的 token 了!!! 自己保留!,不会永久显示的!!重新登录帐号这些就再也看不到了 4.安装VSCE 依赖于node...
指定一个 name,然后勾选 gist,最后点击 Generate token; 点击Copy 并且备份 您的Token。 同步您的 VSCode 配置: 在第一次使用时,Syncing 会向您询问一些必要的信息并保存下来以供后续使用,主要就是前面申请的 GitHub Personal Access Token 啦。 上传配置 在VSCode 的命令面板 中输入 upload; 填写刚才申请的 GitH...
If you don't already have a personal access token to access your VSTS account you can go here to learn how to create one. After logging in, click the App Center status bar to show possible menu options and choose Start a new project. You will be prompted to enter a new name for you...
Restart Visual Studio Code.AuthenticationVisual Studio Team ServicesIf you are connecting to Team Services, you will need a personal access token (PAT) to securely access your account. With the release of v1.121.0 of the extension, you have a choice of whether you would like to create a ...
Right now, the way to solve this is to put a personal access token in your user-level NuGet.config file. We’re planning to support a more focused solution: https://github.com/dotnet/interactive/issues/702. Price, Derek October 1, 2020 0 Collapse this comment Copy link Very cool fu...
Register for the VS Code Day Skills Challenge! Whether you're just starting or looking to change your career, this program is designed for you to get to know VS Code and GitHub Copilot in di... Introduction to the Remote - Tunnels extension" and some haven't, so I was skeptical but ...
Register for the VS Code Day Skills Challenge!Whether you're just starting or looking to change your career, this program is designed for you to get to know VS Code and GitHub Copilot in different career areas like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and much more! With easy-to-follow ...