一种更简单的方法是在GitHub中使用personal access tokens。可以通过转到您的GitHub帐户→设置→开发人员...
最近在做了移动端活动页面,遇到了 H5 适配的问题,其实也有 pxtorem 来做自动转换,但是组内讨论过后...
打开命令行并导航到 ${VSInstallDir}\VSSDK\VisualStudioIntegration\Tools\Bin\ 目录。 若要发布新扩展,请使用以下命令: 复制 VsixPublisher.exe publish -payload "{Path to vsix file}" -publishManifest "{path to publishManifest file}" -personalAccessToken "{Personal Access Token that is...
at GitHub.ViewModels.Dialog.LoginTabViewModel.d__55.MoveNext() in D:\a\VisualStudio\VisualStudio\src\GitHub.App\ViewModels\Dialog\LoginTabViewModel.cs:line 159 {"message":"Must authenticate to access this API.","documentation_url":"https://developer.github.com/enterprise/2.19/v3"} techduggu ...
在Visual Studio 编辑器中设置折叠文本指示器的自定义颜色。 现在,可以通过自定义折叠文本指示器的新选项进一步自定义编辑器体验: 若要试用并为每种颜色设置自定义前景颜色和背景颜色,请导航到工具 > 选项 > 环境 > 字体和颜色。 在这里,你将找到两个可自定义的新项目: ...
In your terminal, run the following command, and when prompted, type the Personal Access Token created in the previous step: vsce login <publisher id> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/publishers/ Personal Access Token for publisher '<publisher id>': *** The Personal Access Token ...
To package and publish directly to the Marketplace on build, change thepostbuildscript to run thegallery-publishscript (instead ofpackage). You can then runnpm run build -- --token xxxxxx(where xxxx is you personal access token for publishing to the Marketplace) to build, package, and publ...
In your terminal, run the following command, and when prompted, type the Personal Access Token created in the previous step: vsce login <publisher id> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/publishers/ Personal Access Token for publisher '<publisher id>': *** The Personal Access Token ...
a more secure GitHub experience, beginning November 13th, GitHub and Visual Studio will no longer accept account passwords when authenticating with the REST API and will instead require using token-based authentication (e.g., personal access or OAuth), for all authenticated operations for GitHub....
api-version=2020-05-01&sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun&sv=1.0&sig=<shared-access-signature> 当触发了触发器时,示例工作流将运行,并发送类似于以下示例的电子邮件: 在Visual Studio Code 中,返回到你的工作流的概述页。 如果你创建了有状态工作流,则在发送的请求触发工作流后,概述页将显示工作流的运行...