I had to use cmd-shift-P and search the Terminal: Clear command.Turns out I had the cmd-k key combination already set up, but it wasn’t working.In the keyboard shortcuts screen, the When column was set to terminalFocus && terminalProcessSupported. I set it to just terminalFocus and ...
The terminal process "bash '-c', '/home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc2022/x64/cl.exe /GL /Gy -L /home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc15/SDK/lib -L /home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc15/VC/lib Uuid.lib LIBCMT.lib Kernel32.Lib Gdi32.Lib Winmm.Lib hellowin98_ok-for-g++_on_linux.c -o hello...
请安装Code Runner扩展,将以下内容添加到 * settings.json *,然后使用Run COde执行脚本 ...
VS Code command:PyXT: ArgWrap. history ACTION COMMAND- redo most recent command or clear command history. isort FIRSTPARTY SELECTION-isortyour imports so you don't have to. Sort selection or entire file.FIRSTPARTYis a comma-delimited list of known first-party packages.SELECTIONcontrols whether ...
VSTM/2/hwHostIPConflict_clear: Host IP address confliction resolved. (LocalIPAddress=[LocalIP], LocalVNIID=[LocalVniId], LocalMAC=[LocalMAC], LocalVtepIP=[LocalVtepIP], RemoteIPAddress=[ConflictIP], RemoteVNIID=[RemoteVniId], RemoteMAC=[RemoteMAC], RemoteVtepIP=[RemoteVtepIP], LocalInte...
VSTM/2/hwHostIPConflict_clear: Host IP address confliction resolved. (LocalIPAddress=[LocalIP], LocalVNIID=[LocalVniId], LocalMAC=[LocalMAC], LocalVtepIP=[LocalVtepIP], RemoteIPAddress=[ConflictIP], RemoteVNIID=[RemoteVniId], RemoteMAC=[RemoteMAC], RemoteVtepIP=[RemoteVtepIP], LocalInter...
onWindowChange- 当焦点移出VS Code窗口时保存文件。 files.autoSaveDelay:当files.autoSave配置为时,配置延迟(以毫秒为单位)afterDelay。默认值为1000毫秒。 打开用户设置settings.json文件的方法,你可以通过在(命令面板,打开命令面板的快捷键为 F1 )输入命令:Open Settings (JSON)来打开此文件。
Sometimes the fix may not be related to the source code near the light bulb and what is needed is to install a missing dependency – in that case, /fix proposes a command that can be run in the integrated terminal. Similar to /fix, the /doc smart action is popular with users. To ...