请安装Code Runner扩展,将以下内容添加到 * settings.json *,然后使用Run COde执行脚本 ...
I had to use cmd-shift-P and search the Terminal: Clear command.Turns out I had the cmd-k key combination already set up, but it wasn’t working.In the keyboard shortcuts screen, the When column was set to terminalFocus && terminalProcessSupported. I set it to just terminalFocus and ...
hellowin98_ok-for-g++_on_linux.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals The terminal process "bash '-c', '/home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc2022/x64/cl.exe /GL /Gy -L /home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc15/SDK/lib -L /home/wenxue/.wine/drive_c/vc15/VC/lib Uuid.lib LIBCMT....
❌ autoClearTerminal Clear the terminal output at the start of any new test run. false "jest.autoClearTerminal": true v6.0.0 (replaced by outputConfig) ❌ testExplorer Configure jest test explorer null {"showInlineError": "true"} < 6.1.0 (replaced by runMode) ❌ autoRun Controls wh...
// https://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/166837-linux-writing-our-first-x-windows-application/ // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> //#include <sstream> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) ...
VSTM/2/hwHostIPConflict_clear: Host IP address confliction resolved. (LocalIPAddress=[LocalIP], LocalVNIID=[LocalVniId], LocalMAC=[LocalMAC], LocalVtepIP=[LocalVtepIP], RemoteIPAddress=[ConflictIP], RemoteVNIID=[RemoteVniId], RemoteMAC=[RemoteMAC], RemoteVtepIP=[RemoteVtepIP], LocalInte...
VSTM/2/hwHostIPConflict_clear: Host IP address confliction resolved. (LocalIPAddress=[LocalIP], LocalVNIID=[LocalVniId], LocalMAC=[LocalMAC], LocalVtepIP=[LocalVtepIP], RemoteIPAddress=[ConflictIP], RemoteVNIID=[RemoteVniId], RemoteMAC=[RemoteMAC], RemoteVtepIP=[RemoteVtepIP], LocalInter...
VS Code Version: 1.89.1 OS Version: Windows 11 23H2, WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04.4 I recently started having this issue, that after I open up a (specific) repository for the second time, vs code gets stuck in loading mode, and the status bar shows "Opening Remote..." message at the remote ...
Sometimes the fix may not be related to the source code near the light bulb and what is needed is to install a missing dependency – in that case, /fix proposes a command that can be run in the integrated terminal. Similar to /fix, the /doc smart action is popular with users. To ...