VRChat is currently in Early Access on Steam and other platforms. Hand tracking for the time being is only supported for Quest because of “platform and technical restrictions,” but support could very well be expanded at some point in the future.“This isn’t just the ability to use your ...
Launched in October 2020, the Oculus Quest 2 is the new kid on the block, making waves ever since for offering VR users an affordably priced headset capable of both a standalone and typical PC VR experience. For us, it’s a great alternative to the Valve Index, not least because it co...
得益于智能手机的高速发展,到了2019年的时候,搭配了高通骁龙835芯片,Quest可以脱离电脑独立运算,而这在2014年是无法想象的,只能依赖PC进行计算。Quest 2又在此基础上,用了高通骁龙XR2芯片,并把低配版产品价格压到299美金。 显示从382x224的单色屏幕到1920x1832的彩色屏幕,交互从十字键游戏手柄到头加双手的Inside-...
Quinn [VRChat Avatar} + Face Tracking US$35.00 Add to Cart Buy Now Add to wishlist ◃───── SPECS ─────▹ UNITY 2022.3.22f1 3.0 Face Tracking PC ONLY Facial Gestures GoGo Loco Idle Face Animation Fake Index Hands for Quest Users Customization SPS 67 MB file size in ...
ComboGestureExpressions- Unity Editor tool that lets you attach face expressions to hand gestures Inventory Inventor- Make inventories fast with Inventory Inventor! Quest Porting PC avatars to Quest- VRChat tutorial by Rantis on making Quest avatars ...
While Apple has aimed for the high-end with its US$3,500 headset, Meta has focused its attention on the low end, with a wireless headset that is seven times cheaper than the Apple Vision Pro! (Of course, you could also use the Quest 3 as a PCVR headset, but most people don’t ...
另外还有hand-tracking,虽然并不是从Pro开始才有的功能,但Meta从Quest一代就开始优化手势追踪,SDK一直在不断更新,未来的演进也非常值得期待。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 第二个大的升级是彩色Passthrough的MR,这相当于直接采集了真实的三维环境数据。有了MR空间透视,我们不仅可以看到虚拟世界,还可以看到现实世界。它相...