This study aimed to examine the initial efficacy of a virtual reality (VR) exergame for blood pressure (BP), body composition, lung function, physical working capacity, and mobility in older hypertensive adults. Furthermore, the objective was to explore the exercise intensities that can be reached...
This paper presents the first review of two aspects in immersive VR games for older adults using the PRISMA method: (1) psychology-based design mechanisms of visual, cognitive, and physical modalities; (2) experimental designs and intervention effects on cognitive and physical functions. Thirteen ...
在研究中,VR运动游戏显示出预防记忆丧失的前景。根据Glatt和新兴科学研究显示,这对老年痴呆症和帕金森病等痴呆症以及多发性硬化症等神经疾病有潜在益处(Virtual Reality Exergames for Improving Older Adults’ Cognition and Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials)。 虚拟现实运...
Virtual realityexergaminghas exploded in popularity in recent years, with more people getting a workout by usingPlayStation VR or Oculusheadsets and playing games likeBeat SaberandSupernatural. Less known is the impact VR exergaming may have on improving cognitive function in older adults. Growing re...
This study presents a performance analysis of older adults engaged in a virtual reality (VR) serious game designed for cognitive training, to stablish with varaiables could be used for Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment. The game, developed using Unity3D and deployed on MetaQuest2, aims to enhance sor...
越来越多的研究表明,VR运动游戏可能有益于认知障碍或其他神经疾病或状况的人群,这可能对预防有意义(Potential Benefits of Exergaming for Cognition and Dual-Task Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review)。 纽约斯克内克塔迪联合学院心理学和神经科学系神经学家兼副教授Cay Anderon-Hanley在过去十年中一直在研...
Rendever's virtual reality platform gives seniors, residents of senior living communities, and care organization members the ability to enjoy life again.
The #1 VR Social App for Families Alcove is the first family-oriented virtual reality app. A virtual home filled with endless experiences to discover and explore, it’s a place to connect with loved ones all over the world. Packed with games, world travel, media, customization, relaxation,...
Adults should monitor children (age 13 and older) who are using or have used the Game for any of the symptoms described below, and should limit the time children spend using the Game and ensure that they take breaks during use. Prolonged use should be avoided, as it could negatively impact...
While technology has the potential to improve the quality of life among older adults, not much is known about effects of new technologies, including virtual reality (VR) applications, on their well-being. This paper reports on a field study conducted with older adults in assisted living ...