In recent decades, the senior adults population worldwide has increased, as well as the medical conditions related to aging, such as cognitive decline. Virtual reality (VR) games are a valuable addition to conventional cognitive rehabilitation as they increase engagement to the therapy through customi...
This study aimed to examine the initial efficacy of a virtual reality (VR) exergame for blood pressure (BP), body composition, lung function, physical work
Rendever's virtual reality platform gives seniors, residents of senior living communities, and care organization members the ability to enjoy life again.
1Vol.:(0123456789)Scientif i c Reports | (2021) 11:2552 | reality video game improves high‑f i delity memory in older adultsPeter E. Wais 1* , Melissa Arioli 1 , Roger Anguera‑Singla 1 & Adam...
BACKGROUND: Virtual Reality (VR) balance training may have advantages over regular exercise training in older adults. However, results so far are conflicting potentially due to the lack of challenge imposed by the movements in those games. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess to which...
The compute component provides the necessary computational power for users to interact with 3D objects. Through the integration of various technologies, the metaverse creates a tangible digital layer over reality. Additionally, the metaverse can adopt different organizational models, such as centralized, ...
The aim of this article was to assess the intensity and duration of muscle activity in virtual reality (VR) balance games. Materials and Methods: Thirty young and 30 healthy older adults played seven different VR balance games. Muscle activity of the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, soleus, ...
Virtual Reality is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes original research on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality. Established in 1995, the journal ...
Virtual reality (VR) games have become a popular method to preserve and transmit intangible cultural heritage in recent years. However, empirical studies p
Virtual Reality (VR) has proven to be an effective tool for motor (re)learning. Furthermore, with the current commercialization of low-cost head-mounted displays (HMDs), immersive virtual reality (IVR) has become a viable rehabilitation tool. Nonetheless, it is still an open question how immer...