Nearly a year after NASA trumpeted Voyager 1's departure from the sun's protective bubble, two mission scientists argue that the spacecraft never left. Many astronomers are doubtful about the assertion, but the debate illustrates that the transition from solar bubble to interstellar space is not...
Tech Work Life News Impact Podcasts Video INNOVATION FESTIVAL | FastCo Works Capital One IBM SAP Infographic: How NASA Visualized Alien Worlds Before Photoshop In 1979, when the Voyager 1 Satellite flew by Jupiter's moon Io, NASA scientists needed to assemble the pictures it sent back to Earth...
2021 年,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)通过其子公司 Nanoracks 向 Voyager 拨款 1.6 亿美元,用于星际实验室的开发,这是 NASA 推动商业空间站发展的重要举措之一。2023 年,Voyager 将欧洲航空航天巨头空中客车 SE 引入该项目,进一步强化了其技术实力。 此外,Voyager 还与 Palantir Technologies Inc.、三菱电机株式会社和 M...
NUEVA YORK (AP) — La NASA ha desconectado otro instrumento científico de su sonda Voyager 2 con el fin de ahorrar energía.
NEW YORK (AP) — Bradford Smith, a NASA astronomer who interpreted the stunning images beamed back from Voyager missions, has died.
2021 年,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)通过其子公司 Nanoracks 向 Voyager 拨款 1.6 亿美元,用于星际实验室的开发,这是 NASA 推动商业空间站发展的重要举措之一。2023 年,Voyager 将欧洲航空航天巨头空中客车 SE 引入该项目,进一步强化了其技术实力。 此外,Voyager 还与 Palantir Technologies Inc.、三菱电机株式会社和 ...
spacecraft are so distant, commands from mission controllers take 22.5 hours to reach Voyager 1. This means it takes 45 hours to determine whether a command to the spacecraft has had the intended outcome. NASA says it could take several weeks to develop a new plan to fix the cu...
When Voyager 1 passed into the heliosheath in 2004, it became the first man-made object to explore the remote edge of the Sun’s magnetic influence. Launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, the probe was designed to study the outer Solar System and eventually interstellar space. One of its...
The anatomy of the heliosphere. Since this illustration was made, Voyager 2 has joined Voyager 1 inside the heliosheath, a thick outer layer where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas. Credit: NASA/Walt Feimer. ...
( -- In which direction is the sun's stream of charged particles banking when it nears the edge of the solar system? The answer, scientists know, is blowing in the wind. It's just a matter of getting NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft in the right orientation to detect it. ...