|NASA 1979年,NASA的“旅行者2号”探测器(Voyager 2)拍下了这张木卫二的照片,展现了它结冰的表面上交错纵横的条痕。|NASA 关于木卫二,我们了解什么? 1610年,意大利天文学家伽利略·伽利雷(Galileo Galilei)发现了木卫二以及其他三颗兄弟卫星。当时,伽利略把望远镜对准了木星,结果看到,在这颗巨大的行星周围,还环绕着...
by nasaspacenews October 31, 2024 0 Recently, a rare celestial event that promised to dazzle skywatchers instead ended in a dramatic demise as the newly discovered... Page 1 of 59 1 2 … 59 Next FEATURED POST “Due to a wrong command” NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft lost contact wi...
NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft, one of the farthest manmade objects to leave Earth, switched to its backup thrusters to save energy. The spacecraft is on track to leave the solar system soon.
NASA lost contact with the interstellar Voyager 1 spacecraft for nearly a week after a technical glitch shut off the probe's main transmitter. Using Voyager's weaker backup transmitter, engineers are assessing the problem from 15 billion miles away. Space Exploration ISS leaks among 50 'areas...
直到2009年8月,土星经历“春分”阶段,“卡西尼”才得以利用可见光拍摄到这一巨大飓风漩涡图像。NASA介绍说,土星绕日一周的时间是大约30年,意味着每次春分需要将近15年。上一次NASA拍到土星的“阳光照”还要追溯到1981年,由“旅行者2号”(Voyager 2)完成。(王菁)...
Centenarian Jimmy Carter’s Interstellar Messagehttps://t.co/zI5xgYxXtd#astrobiology#SETI#interstellar@NASAVoyager#VGER@CarterCenterpic.twitter.com/3vDdW7zjm0 — Astrobiology (@astrobiology)October 2, 2024 NASA Watch October 2, 2024 Posts navigation ...
When Voyager 2 flew by Uranus and then Neptune in 1986 and 1989, my download time to see color photos of either planet for longer than a brief spot on the evening news could span months. The New York Times was a black-and-white production, so I would have to wait for the inevitable...
(观察者网讯)“NASA古老的旅行者一号达成了一个关键的里程碑。”美国航天新闻网站“太空”9月5日发文称,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)于当地时间5日迎来了旅行者一号(Voyager 1)探测器发射45周年的纪念日。作为首个进入星际空间的航天器,它距离地球已有235亿公里之远。
Personnel News Ed Stone Keith’s note:Sources report that former JPL director and planetary science leged Ed Stone has died. Details to follow.Ad Astra Ed.Update from JPL:Ed Stone, Former Director of JPL and Voyager Project Scientist, Dies ...
Voyager-2(旅行者-2)在1989年8月31日离开海王星的时候拍摄的海王星和海卫一 在2013-2022年行星科学旗舰调研中推荐的四个方案——金星气候轨道器、开始启动MSR(火星采样返回)前期工作(MAX-C,后演化为M2020)、 天王星轨道器、木星-木卫二轨道器(现Europa Clipper,即欧罗巴快帆)。因为奥巴马政府时期经费紧缩的问题,最后...