VOX amPlug3 AC Headphone Amplifier: Top Features & Demo VOX amPlug3:the third generation of the amPlug series VOX amPlug3 Headphone Amplifiers: Overview Tube Amp vs Solid State – What's the Difference? Vox amPlug 3 AC30 Headphone Guitar Amp Features: ...
一直听说很有趣,前几天就搞了个AC30玩玩。VOX的吉他amp我想摇滚迷都应该很熟悉,从Beatles开始,一众牛逼的英国乐队都是VOX 尤其是VOX AC30的忠实拥护者。VOX的amp在近年来其实已经衰退了,但这个品牌的影响力还在,于是就有了这一系列的“Amphone”,顾名思义就是Amp + Headphone,也就是一个长得像耳机的吉他...
AC30 The well-known VOX AC30 sound. CH1 is the warm normal channel and CH2 is the sharp top boost channel. UK Drive UK 100W stack amp sound. CH1 has a full vintage sound and CH2 has a sharp distortion sound. US Silver US combo amp sound, with a clean and warm clean tone on ...
amp stack built around the ac30 tone 2 x 12" speaker cabinet 2 x celestion g12m greenback speakers rated at 16 ohms open back construction ac30ch amp head 30-watt power section reactive attenuator offers loud performance a low volumes iconic ac guitar amp circuit the vox ac30 stack ...
amp is that, together with its older but less powerful sibling theAC15, it’s been around pretty much unchanged since the late ’50s. The company produced a few more variants (like theAC50 head, and the mysteriousUL730), but no other model reached the popularity levels of the AC30. ...
We also found the AC30s to have a comfortable, secure fit. The soft, cushy earpads always kept the AC30s well-anchored to our head, even if they did get warm a little quicker than some other similarly designed cans. It was never enough to detract us from getting our musical kicks th...
The VOX AC30 combo amp has been an icon for decades, known as the sound that powered the1960's "British Invasion." Based on the classic AC30 design, the all-new, tube-driven Custom Series AC30C2 offers numerous up-to-date enhancements, delivering the most versatile AC30 design in VOX...
amPhone = amPlug + Headphone 将时尚便携的耳机直接与您的吉他/贝斯连接,随时随地享受著名吉他音箱及周边模拟效果带来的高品质音色。VOX amPhone的出现让这一切都变成了可能。 amPhone共有四种型号提供不同的经典音箱模拟效果,包含: AC30 – 忠实再现VOX经典的AC30音色 ...
VOX kicked off its line of guitar amplifiers back in '57 and It took only a few years for the AC15 and AC30 to become instant legends, defining the sound of the British Invasion for the UK and the world. Gear Music is an authorized Vox amp dealer in Canada. ...
AC30拥有如钟鸣般清脆的标志性清音和温暖又不失犀利的过载音色,以及可以hold住全场疯狂歌迷尖叫声的巨大音量。自诞生之日起就成为了The Shadows等上世纪50年代末涌现天团的御用音箱。 即使进入硬摇滚和英伦摇滚风潮,AC30依然是吉他英雄Brian May、Rithie Blackmore以及Radiohead、Suede、Oasis等超级团体的首选音箱。虽然...