VOX AmPhones AC30 BASS TWIN LEAD内置音箱模拟效果器 监听耳机 南京吉迷乐器有限公司 6年 回头率: 24.2% 江苏 南京市栖霞区 ¥110.00 成交16件 JOYO卓乐JF系列单块效果器过载失真延迟效果器箱模拟数字延时电源 颜色 JF-01经典过载、JF-02,极端过载、JF-03,失真、JF-04,高增益失真、JF-05,经典合唱、...
With the guitar unplugged, or the modelling switched off, the amPhones can be used as standard headphones, with no batteries required. Insert two AAA batteries and plug the quarter-inch jack into your guitar, and you can use the Amplug-style controls on one earpiece to switch in the amp-...
苏宁易购为您提供最全的VOX AmPhones AC30 BASS TWIN LEAD内置音箱模拟效果器 监听耳机 乐器配件参数配置、规格、性能、功能等详细信息。想了解更多VOX AmPhones AC30 BASS TWIN LEAD内置音箱模拟效果器 监听耳机 乐器配件相关信息,请关注苏宁易购。
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