Vortex uses a supercomputer cluster to run a non-linear flow model (WRF) that scales large atmospheric patterns (NCAR-NCEP, ECMWF and NASA) down to fine spatial resolutions (SRTM), generating modelled wind resource data suitable to be used where and when no measurements are as yet available....
How does VORTEX work? Vortex uses a supercomputer cluster to run a non-linear flow model (WRF) that scales large atmospheric patterns (NCAR-NCEP, ECMWF and NASA) down to fine spatial resolutions (SRTM), generating modelled wind resource data suitable to be used where and when no measurements...
Vortex EXTREMES生成详细的数据集(基于4Hz样本的10min和3s记录),以帮助载荷工程师分析不同重现期下超出常规极端风速Vref计算的极端事件。 得益于WRF-LES技术能够提供10分钟的模拟数据和30年再分析数据集的可用性,Vortex设计了EXTREMES产品。它聚焦在生成精确的数据集,帮助载荷工程师分析极端风速并计算不同重现期下的...
WRF is an open-source model, which many experts have helped enhance through their developments. Vortex has also made some valuable contributions, the most recent being Large Eddy Simulations (LES). WRF has proven to be the most robust software for operational purposes and this is why we continu...
Several reasons may explain the differences between the simulated and observed storms as well the delayed tornado development in the simulation, which include: (i) inherent errors in the initial sounding extracted from the WRF analysis, (ii) the idealized, horizontally homogeneous design of the ...
The distinct large centers appleaarrgeincethneteirnsnaeprpaeanrdinouthteerinednegresanodf tohueteeryeedwgaeslloaft tth=e e1y8ehw,aslhl oatwtin=g18a hc,lesahrowWiNng2awcalevaer sWtrNuc2ture. In adwdaivteiosnt,ruthcteugrer.owIninadgdaimtiopnl,ittuhdeegorofwthinegpeamrtuprlibtuatdieonofhte...
wTheereerfroournsdinttohebemeeqausualretmo eonntlsyd3u.e28t%o thanedin0st.4a1ll%at,iornesopfetchtievfievlye.-hTohlee eprrroobressinanthdethmeepasreusrseumrenstesndsourestoonththeeinusptaplelartaionndolof wtheerfsivuerf-ahcoeles wpreorbeeesvaanludattheed pbryesrseupreeatsienngsothrse otenst...
2.4. WRF Simulations The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) modeling system has been in development for the past eighteen years. The current release is Version 4.0, available since June 2018. The ARW is designed to be a flexible, state-of-the-art atmospheric simulation system that is portable and ...