使用命令 "gs 文件名.ps" 便可以查看保存的图片。 9. 理想实验em_les 重复以上步骤同样可以编译其他理想实验,比如em_les. 指(Large Eddy Simulation).默认参数跑出的垂直速度如下图所示,可以看到类似瑞利伯纳德对流的自组织结构。 对namelist.input 进行编辑可以调整模拟的条件。 namelist.input文件中各个参量的含义...
compile [-j n] em_convrad compile [-j n] em_esmf_exp (example only) compile [-j n] em_fire compile [-j n] em_grav2d_x compile [-j n] em_heldsuarez compile [-j n] em_hill2d_x compile [-j n] em_les compile [-j n] em_quarter_ss compile [-j n] em_real compile [...
Windows 11使用 VMware 搭建虚拟机,安装Ubuntu 并运行 WRF 的理想实验em_b_wave, em_les 并调节 namelist.input 中的部分参数 kkonj 我使用的VMware版本如下,官网即可下载,许可证随便上网搜一个就可以用。 2. 下载Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS的最新版光盘镜像(https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases/noble/...
em_les – large eddy simulation, 100 m em_quarter_ss - super cell, 2 km em_tropical_cyclone – hurricane, 15 km 2d em_grav2d_x – gravity current, 100 m em_hill2d_x – flow over a hill, 2 km em_seabreeze2d_x – water and land, 2 km, full physics em_squall2d_x – squall...
compile em_b_wave compile em_convrad (new in V3.7) compile em_esmf_exp (example only) compile em_grav2d_x compile em_heldsuarez compile em_hill2d_x compile em_les compile em_quarter_ss compile em_real compile em_seabreeze2d_x
PGI选13或14,下一步选1e) 创建日志目录 #mkdir ./buildlogf) 逐个编译:#./compile em_grav2d_x &> ./buildlog/em_grav2d_x#./compile em_heldsuar 24、ez &> ./buildlog/em_heldsuarez#./compile em_hill2d_x &> ./buildlog/em_hill2d_x#./compile em_les &> ./buildlog/em_les#./...
f)逐个编译: #./compile em_grav2d_x &> ./buildlog/em_grav2d_x #./compileem_heldsuarez&> ./buildlog/em_heldsuarez #./compile em_hill2d_x &> ./buildlog/em_hill2d_x #./compileem_les&> ./buildlog/em_les #./compileem_quarter_ss&> ./buildlog/em_quarter_ss ...
- If it is one of the idealized cases (b_wave, hill2d_x, grav2d_x, quarter_ss, squall2d_x, squall2d_y, em_les or em_heldsuarez), cd the the appropriate directory, type ./ideal.exe to produce wrfinput_d01 file for wrf model. Then type ./wrf.exe to run. - If it is real...
编译 #mkdir ./buildlog;编译日志目录 #./compile em_b_wave ./buildlog/em_b_wave #./compile em_grav2d_x ./buildlog/em_grav2d_x #./compile em_heldsuarez ./buildlog/em_heldsuarez #./compile em_hill2d_x ./buildlog/em_hill2d_x #./compile em_les ./buildlog/em_les #./...
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