“von Neumann定理”,也称为“von Neumann completeness theorem”,是著名的数学定理,它在计算模型、计算机科学和量子力学等领域中有着广泛的应用。 1. von Neumann定理背景 von Neumann定理是由匈牙利学者约翰·冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)在20世纪30年代提出的。在此之前,人们通常认为,可以通过计算机程序将任何数学...
弗雷歇-冯·诺伊曼定理(Frechet-von Neumann Theorem)是泛函分析中的一个重要定理,它建立了任意Banach空间中的每个有界线性算子都可以表示为两个有界线性算子的乘积。这个定理在算子代数和量子力学等领域有着广泛的应用。 具体来说,对于任意两个Banach空间X和Y,如果T是X到Y的有界线性算子,那么存在两个有界线性算子A和...
We investigate the spectral properties of Schrdinger operators with point interactions, focusing attention on the interplay between level repulsion (von Neumann-Wigner theorem) and the symmetry of the confi.guration of point interactions. The explicit solution of the problem allows observing level ...
von Neumann代数领域4个公开问题 近日, 河北师范大学数学科学学院房军生团队以“On Finite Sums of Projections and Dixmier′s Averaging Theorem for Type Ⅱ1Factors”和“A Stronger Version of Dixmier′s Averaging Theorem and Some Applications...
I came to a certain theorem, and I said it is not proved and it may be difficult. Von Neumann didn't say anything but after five minutes he raised his hand. When I called on him he went to the blackboard and proceeded to write down the proof.After that I was afraid of von ...
1) von Neumann theorem vonNeumann定理 2) Von Neumann law VonNeumann定律 3) von Neumann entropy vonNeumann熵 4) Von Neumann condition VonNeumann条件 1. It is concluded that the difference schema satisfying theVon Neumann conditionis a stable schema,and that,under the consistency condition,such sta...
It’s a theorem of Godel that the next logical step, the description of an object is one class type higher than the object and it’s absolutely necessary; it’s just a matter of complication when you get to this point. … They may easily be in this condition already, where doing a ...
The Stone–von Neumann theorem is a uniqueness theorem for operators satisfying the canonical commutation relations. Suppose A and B are two self-adjoint operators on H satisfying $$[A,B] = i
Theorem:AJourneyThroughDifferent MathematicalContexts TinneHoffKjeldsen CommunicatedbyJ.Gray 1.Introduction ThefirstpurposeofthispaperistotellthehistoryofJohnvonNeumann’sdevel- opmentoftheminimaxtheoremfortwo-personzero-sumgamesfromhisfirstproofof
On the extension of von Neumann-Aumann's theorem We give a measurable selection theorem which generalizes von Neumann-Aumann's theorem when the domain of definition is an abstract measurable space and the range space is a Suslin space. As application we give a measurable implicit funct... MF...