I have spent some time recently with people who talk a lot about Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) and Digital Measurement, Reporting and Verification (dMRV). It’s a new area for me, and it’s proving really interesting. The backdrop to this is that the IPCC’s 2023 Report on Climate Cha...
While these enforcement actions are the first CFTC actions for fraud in the VCMs, other investigations involving VCCs and VCM participation are likely ongoing. More enforcement actions are expected to be announced. The CFTC has demonstrated its commitment to combat fraud and manipulation in ...
The voluntary carbon market (VCM) allows companies, individuals, governments and others to voluntarily offset their unavoidable emissions through the purchase and retirement of carbon credits from projects that either avoid or remove carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gasses (GHG) from the atmosphere. E...
The voluntary carbon market (VCM), although nascent, has managed to provide financing for many sustainable projects in developing and emerging countries. This report provides a guide for companies to help navigate the VCM. We discuss how the market works, describe what initiatives are being done ...
The Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) Dashboardis a Climate Focus initiative aiming to provide corporates, investors and project developers consolidated data on relevant carbon market metrics, as reported by the leading carbon standards. The dashboard keeps track of market development indicators for leading...
As an accredited Validation and Verification Body (VVB), ERM CVS provides independent carbon credit integrity assurance to project developers, carbon credit buyers and investors looking to de-risk their investments and boost trust and credibility in volu
In my view, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) does not need to wait for UNFCCC decisions, as corresponding adjustments are designed to avoid double counting amongst countries and not among entities (see my earlier column on Ecosystem Marketplace on this).Example...
In the absence of finalised regulation, organisations choosing to offset their carbon emissions are engaging in the voluntary carbon market (VCM). Through an empirical description and analysis of organisations comprising the VCM field in New Zealand, this paper provides evidence of the evolution of ...
Creation of the London Stock Exchange’s Voluntary Carbon Market At the COP26 climate conference last November, we announced the intention to develop a new market offering to support publicly traded carbon funds focused on investing in climate mitigation projects. Our focus is on solving the foundat...
Carbon offsets, used to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions, are exchanged on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), a largely unregulated market where private actors buy carbon offsets to voluntarily mitigate the effects of their choices ...