Chapter 21 the book "Managing Climate Risk: A Practical Guide for Business," edited by Adam Jolly is presented. It explores the comprehension paper entitled "State of the Voluntary Carbon Market 2007: Picking Up Steam," published by Ecosystem Marketplace and New Carbon Finance in Great Britain....
3月18日,北京大学国际法学院(英文简称“STL”)公开讲座“The Voluntary Carbon Market: An Important Arrow in the Quiver”将于国际法学院大楼207-208教室举行,欢迎感兴趣的师生积极到场参加!具体信息如下: 主题/TOPIC:The Voluntary Carbon Market: An...
Voluntary carbon markets are poised to play an important role in accelerating the transition to a climate-neutral global economy. With this, transparency around key market indicators – such as offset issuance data, trends in new project type registrations, and new regional developments – is imperat...
In my view, the voluntary carbon market (VCM) does not need to wait for UNFCCC decisions, as corresponding adjustments are designed to avoid double counting amongst countries and not among entities (see my earlier column on Ecosystem Marketplace on this).Example...
Climate finance is defined as the public and private financial flows used to support mitigation and adaptation action to address climate change61,62 There are currently two types of carbon markets for carbon offsets: compliance and voluntary markets. The market settings are different for the two ma...
In a new report, developed in collaboration with BCG, we look at the voluntary carbon market today and the factors that will shape its future. The outlook reflects the views of more than 100 industry experts, setting out potential scenarios for the marke
tyseley energy park cover story the voluntary carbon market: can tightening regulations combat corporate greenwashing? carbon credits are made to be interchangeable, but while some have impressive effects, others have been found to be worthless. annabel cossins-smith looks at how the market has ...
What future for the voluntary carbon offset market after Paris? An explorative study based on the Discursive Agency ApproachCarbon marketsclimate governanceParis Agreementdiscourseagencycarbon creditsThe Paris Agreement heralds a new era in international climate governance. Yet, the Agreement's implementation...
With the aim of setting a definitive and consistent benchmark for credible, high-integrity carbon credits, The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market has developed a draft set of Core Carbon Principles (CCPs), Assessment Framework (AF) and Assessment Procedure. The public consultatio...
This report is compiled by Ecosystem Marketplace and Bloomberg New Energy Finance and reviews the state of the voluntary carbon markets in 2010. Specifically highlighting the methodology for capturing the data, an introduction an explanation of voluntary carbon markets in 2010, standards and recent tre...