第二代Vold-Kalman阶滤波器(MATLAB R2018) if (nargin == 0) && (nargout == 0), vkfdemo(), return, end if nargin < 3, error(generatemsgid('ArgChk'),'Wrong number of input arguments. Use: vkf(y,fs,f).'); end if nargin < 4, p = 2; end % Default filter order ...
3. The Vold-Kalman filter 3.1. The process and measurement equations Given a realization of a discrete-time, noise-corrupted ABA stochastic process, the Wold decomposition reads [59], (5)y[k]=x[k]+η[k]where k∈Z+, t=kTs (s) are the associated discrete time indices for a given equ...
Vold-Kalman filterEnergy entropyReal-time chatter detection is important in improving the surface quality of workpieces in milling. Since the process from stable cutting to chatter is characterized by the progressive variation of the vibration energy distribution, entropy has been utilized to capture ...
S. Heyns, "Vold-Kalman filter order tracking in vibration monitoring of electrical machines," J. Vib. Control, vol. 15, pp. 1325-1347, September 1, 2009 2009.Wang K, Heyns PS (2009). Vold-kalman filter order tracking in vibration monitoring of electrical machines. Journal of Vibration ...
【摘要】针对旋转机械启停车过程的振动信号具有非线性、非平稳的特性,提出Vold-Kalman阶比跟踪(Vold-Kalman Filter Based Order Tracking,VKF-0T)和能量分析相结合的一种故障诊断方法.分析旋转机械在发生故障时各阶比分量幅值的变化规律,通过Vold-Kalman阶比跟踪方法提取特定的阶比分量,以其能量与原信号总能量的比值...
This paper presents a simplified simulation model of electrical rotating machinery and an experimental test rig for applying the Vold-Kalman filter order tracking technique (VKF-OT). The effectiveness and advantages of VKF-OT for condition monitoring are demonstrated on both the simulation model and ...
The Vold-Kalman filter allows for the high performance simultaneous tracking of orders in systems with multiple independent axles. The interactions associated with close and crossing orders give rise to beating and complex psychoacoustic phenomena. With this new filter and using multiple tachometer referen...
电子科技大学学士学位论文第3章 弗德考曼阶次跟踪理论和滤波带宽选择第3章 Vold-Kalman阶次跟踪理论和滤波带宽选择 3.1 介绍 Vold和Leuridan在1993年首次提出了弗德考曼滤波器(vold-kalmam filter)的概念。后来这项阶次跟踪技术吸引了越来越多研究者和工程师的注意,因为这项技术比其他阶次跟踪技术有明显的优点。随后...
Vold - Kalman Filter; Adaptive Filtering; Multi-Axle System },口.I(1: d, =F(n+1,j l青舞时府千 -1)曰H(n 【曰 ' -- :n - B(n A 卜阶比信号见图 致.说明本算利 9升速过程联 在 12—16s uman-mtenng ome; Signal Proeessin¥ eking Master The md Vbimtion 200 E工,主要研究领域...