Vold-Kalman Order Filtering可以说是目前最好的谐波提取算法之一,印象中是BK的人提出来的,并商业应用在其分析仪器上。 很早以前的一个帖子对多种谐波提取算法做过一次比较,最终得出结论是Vold-Kalman Order Filtering最完美,NI在其振动声学工具包里用到基于Gabor变换的谐波提取技术,效果略差一点。 一直想把Vold-Kalm...
Vold-Kalman 滤波器由 Håvard Vold 和 Jan Leuridan 在 1993 年推出,能够使用已知频率向量从信号中提取非平稳周期分量 [1]。 在最小二乘法的意义上,它可以作为一个稀疏线性系统来解决。 与卡尔曼滤波器类似,VKF 基于结构方程和数据方程最小化成本函数。\n 本次提交实现了第二代 VKF,能够同时提取多个订单,...
Formerly, the engineering maintainers cannot judge the accuracy of the Vold-Kalman filtering result effectively, and the randomness is large, through the method, the engineering maintainers can arrange the confidence interval by themselves, and the accuracy of the Vold-Kalman filtering result can be...
Rotor magnet condition is important to maintain a stable permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) operation. In this paper, Vold-Kalman filtering order tracking (VKF-OT) and dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) are employed for the real-time rotor demagnetization detection from the torque ripple. First...
A novel generalized Vold-Kalman filtering method is proposed.The method clearly reveals the frequencies under time-varying speed.The method is tested by experimental bearing and wind turbine planetary gearbox data.关键词: Generalized Vold-Kalman filtering Wind turbine Fault diagnosis Frequency demodulation...
Key Words Order Tracking; Vold - Kalman Filter; Adaptive Filtering; Multi-Axle System },口.I(1: d, =F(n+1,j l青舞时府千 -1)曰H(n 【曰 ' -- :n - B(n A 卜阶比信号见图 致.说明本算利 9升速过程联 在12—16s uman-mtenng ome; ...
This paper develops a novel generalized Vold-Kalman filtering approach. To separate the signal components, Vold-Kalman filter is adopted to the amplitude envelope of vibration signal by exploiting its merit in non-component decomposition, in which a frequency set is constructed by the modulation ...
Further exploration of Vold-Kalman filte- ring order tracking with shaft-speed information-I: Theoretical Part,numerical implementation and parameter investigations [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2006,20: 1134 - 1154.Pan M,Ch,LinY F.Further exploration of Vold?Kalman-filtering order ...
关键词: Kalman filters filtering theory frequency response time-frequency analysis tracking filters Vold-Kalman order tracking filter amplitude extraction filter characteristics filter parameters frequency response 会议名称: Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2000. ICASSP '00. Proceedings. 2000 IEEE ...
Kalman filter bandwidth,however nowadays the selection of filter bandwidth is largely relayed on empirical method and sometimes filter bandwidth is selected in an arbitrary fashion.The accuracy and consistency of Vold-Kalman filtering results could not be ensured.Thus,the selection of a Vold-Kalman ...