Ketel One Vodka was born out of the ambition to create the perfect martini. A perfect martini needs a superior quality vodka so in 1983, Carolus Nolet Sr. set off on a mission to make just that. Drawing on his great, great grandfather’s tasting notes formed over 330 years of family ...
Ketel One(坎特一号)原产于荷兰,是由诺列(Nolet)家族创办于1691年。就是用来蒸馏伏特加的铜制锅炉,而一号锅炉则是酒厂里最有历史的精神象征。Ketel One跟其它伏特加最大的不同就是,在历代传人的坚持下,至今仍采用耗费人工、时间,而且难度相当高的煤炭直火方式加热,以小批量铜锅蒸馏来保存特有的风味,而且到现在每...
洋酒 蓝天伏特加SKYY VODKA 深蓝伏特加750ml 原味 SKYY/深蓝品牌 一件代发 ¥31.0月销616瓶 上海石拓酒业有限公司6年 正品行货 斯米诺伏特加 皇冠伏特加 斯米诺红牌 SMIRNOFF VODKA 一件代发48小时发货 ¥41.0月销82瓶 北京醉牛酒业有限公司12年 斯米诺伏特加SMIRNOFF VODKA斯米诺红牌伏特加 350ml 皇冠伏特加 ...
Welcome to Ketel One. Discover our super-premium vodka, explore exciting cocktail creations and learn more about our story. Visit us here to find out more.
KetelOne Vodka坎特一号伏特加 价格:165.00元更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:12 主营产品:进口酒,鸡尾酒用酒,单一麦芽威士忌,葡萄酒 供应商:珠海达利安酒业有限公司 更多优质供应商> 所在地:珠海市香洲区珠海市吉大石花西路63号(维也纳酒店对面) 联系人:钟志丽 您的联系方式已覆盖全网,展示在其他同类产品页面...
Ketel One Botanicals has been described as one of the company’s “most impactful launches in our history.” Rehorst Citrus & Honey Vodka Great Lakes Distillery Vodka was due for a hit. While American-made upstarts Tito’s and New Amsterdam gobbled up market share, many legacy brands saw ...
Ketel One Vodka 70 cl / 40% ABV £25.90 Vodka new arrivals Our latest premium vodkas View all vodka new arrivals Vodka Guides Vodka does it all, but what's the secret behind the ultimate versatile spirit? We can tell you. Learn about vodka!
Ketel One Vodka This column- and pot-distilled wheat vodka charms with a rounded, balanced profile. Each sip coats the palate with soft, silky texture before a gently sweet finish rounds things off with a smile. Average price: $25
凯特1号Ketel one 皇族Royalty (二)美国伏特加American Vodka 美国伏特加酒的味道通常比较中性,不过,近年来,来自加州和肯塔基州的比较有特色的地区品牌已经在国内市场取得进展。有的品牌,像提顿(Teton)选用土豆酿酒——这无疑向波兰伏特加发起了挑战。 1.美国伏特加...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook vodka (redirected fromvodkas) Thesaurus Idioms Encyclopedia vod·ka (vŏd′kə) n. An alcoholic liquor originally distilled from fermented wheat mash but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes...