Welcome to Ketel One. Discover our super-premium vodka, explore exciting cocktail creations and learn more about our story. Visit us here to find out more.
Welcome to Ketel One. Discover our super-premium vodka, explore exciting cocktail creations and learn more about our story. Visit us here to find out more.
Ketel One Vodka was born out of the ambition to create the perfect martini. A perfect martini needs a superior quality vodka so in 1983, Carolus Nolet Sr. set off on a mission to make just that. Drawing on his great, great grandfather’s tasting notes formed over 330 years of family ...
Ketel One Vodka was born out of the ambition to create the perfect martini. A perfect martini needs a superior quality vodka so in 1983, Carolus Nolet Sr. set off on a mission to make just that. Drawing on his great, great grandfather’s tasting notes formed over 330 years of family ...
伏特加洋酒荷兰进口坎特一号KetelOneVodka750ML伏特加/Vodka洋酒 荷兰进口 伏特加 坎特一号伏特加 Ketel One Vodka 750ML风格: 伏特加 洋酒 荷兰 进口 坎特 一号 Ketel One Vodka 750ML 去购买 收藏 图文详情 本店推荐 图文详情 【自营】俄罗斯原瓶进口金奖沙皇金樽生命之水金标伏特加洋酒烈酒 ¥...
荷兰原装进口坎特一号伏特加KetelOneVodka700ml洋酒伏特加 荷兰原装进口 坎特一号伏特加 Ketel One Vodka 700ml 洋酒烈酒 风格: 荷兰 原装进口 坎特 一号 伏特加 Ketel One Vodka 700ml 洋酒 图文详情 本店推荐 图文详情
‘60s by advertising professionals and cocktail hour fashionistas, the spirit itself was rarely elevated beyond “drinkable in a cocktail.” A British distiller once told me “no one ever sips gin or vodka, the way they do whisky.” But times have changed, and a quality vodka can taste ...
酒品:荷兰坎特一号(Ketel One VODKA) 酒精度:40% 生产商:诺郦酒厂 一 这瓶坎特一号伏特加产自荷兰诺郦(Nolet)蒸馏厂。买这瓶酒一方面是为了丰富手头伏特加酒的品种,另一方面是因为景仰荷兰这个国家。 荷兰是世界上最早进入现代文明的国家,当时那里容纳了欧洲最杰出的头脑,包括伟大的哲学家笛卡尔、斯宾诺莎,以及流亡...
品牌/型号:KetelOne Vodka坎特一号伏特加 品牌:KetelOne Vodka坎特一号伏特加 基酒:鸡尾酒 有无中文标签:有 包装方式:瓶装 酒精度:40(%) 净重(规格):750(ml) 酒龄:永久(年) 容量:750(ml) 原产地:荷兰 伏特加:烈酒 产品类别:伏特加酒 包装规格:12*750ml 商品品种多,询价请来电,多谢合作!
甘纳金朗姆酒 黑盒7年 40%vol 单瓶700ml ¥298 店铺推荐 李寻 楚乔著 中国白酒配餐学 西北大学出版社 大家都在买 ¥168 知己酒 茅台镇 酱香型 53° 白酒 500mL单瓶 人气款 ¥3000 店铺推荐 李寻 楚乔著 中国白酒三部曲 《酒的中国地理》《中国白酒通解》《中国白酒配餐学》 西北大学出版社 ¥...