In the context of educational change, collaboration has become the universal way of responding and adapting to change and demands, as the demands placed on teachers (including VTs) and schools can only be met in collaboration with other actors, such as colleagues, businesses, different organisations...
The home page provides general information and links to national VocWebs for Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Aland. Many of the links lead to information in English. The website provides links to information about: vocational education colleges in the Nordic and Baltic ...
Finally, in Finland, the dual professionalism of vocational teachers, particularly as it relates to teachers’ work-life experience and vocational competence, is a concern. The Finnish National Board of Education has created two continuing training programmes for vocational teachers, one of which involv...
In – depth Study Project is the official translation of Prosjekt til fordypning into English by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training for this school subject. Knowledge Promotion is the official translation into English of the curricula Kunnskapsløftet by the Norwegian Directorate fo...
One place to look for inspiration may be Finland. The country’s vacational education and training (VET) opens not only to students after they complete nine years of school, but also to adults looking for a career change or improvement in vacational skills. Finnish students complete nine ...
High SchoolsLocus of ControlLong Range PlanningSelf EsteemSelf Evaluation (IndividualsThree‐hundred and fifty‐two 17‐year‐old students, from both academic and voca‐tional tracks in Finland and Poland, completed a questionnaire, in which they reported the amount of non‐domain‐specific future ...
education institutions (regional versus national institutions), different management organizations and the existence of central schools in a specific field (police) (Germany and Norway in our sample) as well as offering broader internal security education (Finland and Estonia in our sample). Based on...
in this case, for the ‘essential skills employers want’.” (p.3) The process of vocationalization initially embraced secondary education, and then extended into higher education towards the end of the nineteenth century with the establishment of university-based professional schools (e.g., in ...
The purpose of this follow-up survey was to explain changes in the smoking habits, attitudes and related factors of 3129 first-year students at 30 vocational institutions and senior secondary schools in 1986–87. Students were surveyed at the beginning and end of the school year, and head...
The vocational route to higher education in Finland: Students’ backgrounds, choices and study experiences. Eur. Educ. Res. J. 2022, 21, 541–558. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ollikainen, J.-P.; Karhunen, H. A tale of two trade-offs: Effects of opening pathways from vocational to ...