遇到“VNC error: problem connecting”这类问题时,通常意味着VNC客户端无法成功连接到VNC服务器。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你排查和解决这个问题: 检查VNC服务器是否正在运行并可访问: 确保VNC服务器已经启动并在监听相应的端口。你可以使用如下命令(以Linux系统为例)来检查VNC服务器的运行状态: bash sudo syst...
xrdp出现xrdp vnc error problem connecting解决办法 # generate a file called .xsession in your home directory, and set default desktopecho"xfce4-session">~/.xsession# enable execute chmod a+x~/.xsession# restart xrdp service systemctl restart xrdp# Hint: It works too if you replace `.xsess...
Hi, I have xrdp 0.9.1 on ubuntu 16.04 and I want to connect to kvm vm via vnc using xrdp. When I'm connecting I get VNC error - problem connecting some error Here is the log: [20170531-09:28:33] [DEBUG] xrdp_wm_log_msg: VNC started conne...
Hello! I hope you're having a great time. I've added this small config to the bottom of /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini: [xrdp1] name=mysession lib=libvnc.so username=ask password=ask ip= port=ask-1 I've logged in locally on my laptop but I ...
The error message “connection reset by peer (10054)” occurs when there is a problem with the hardware of the network 16. Error (11001) The error message “error (11001)” occurs when the IP address or hostname you entered does not belong to the remote computer. ...
error-problemconnecting 运行以下指令,并重启计算机:gsettingssetorg.gnome.Vinorequire-encryptionfalse 将计算机连入相应的路由器,登陆账号即可上网,但此时在电脑上是看不到外部ip(如的,只能通过ifconfig命令看到内部ip(如192.168.1.100)但是通过内部ip是拜 ...
VNC Viewer “The connection was refused by the computer” error will prevent you from accessing a remote desktop due to an issue connecting with the remote host when you try to connect throughVNC(Virtual Network Computing). The error often occurs when the VNC Server is either not running or ...
I am using Home/Lite account for my home pc and devices. Today suddenly I am getting error : Hosted Bootstrap error: No more Bootstrap...
I get a dialog saying "Failed to connect to Server " for VNC connections and "Error Connecting to virtual machine using spice: The client could not connect to the remote computer . Remote Connections might not be enabled or a network problem is preventing your connection" for SPICE connections...
error - problem connecting Solution: Downgrade xrdp: sudoapt-getinstallxrdp=0.6.1-2 Or: disable vnc password check: sudovi/etc/xrdp/sesman.ini add to the bottom of [Xvnc] param8=-SecurityTypes param9=None sudoservice xrdp restart 参考: ...