遇到“VNC error: problem connecting”这类问题时,通常意味着VNC客户端无法成功连接到VNC服务器。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你排查和解决这个问题: 检查VNC服务器是否正在运行并可访问: 确保VNC服务器已经启动并在监听相应的端口。你可以使用如下命令(以Linux系统为例)来检查VNC服务器的运行状态: bash sudo syst...
hi, I have xrdp 0.9.6. I am on fedora 26.02. When i try to connect with windows remote desktop i can log in with root but not with my user. Here is the xrdp.log: [20190930-21:14:36] [DEBUG] xrdp_000019a3_wm_login_mode_event_00000001 [201...
reading this, who is trying to get an alternative desktop working on a fresh install of the latest CentOS 7. The webpage you linked to is pretty good, but it's missing some small details like SELinux support and the need forxorgxrdp. I've also added some of my own sysadmin ...
xrdp出现xrdp vnc error problem connecting解决办法 # generate a file called .xsession in your home directory, and set default desktopecho"xfce4-session">~/.xsession# enable execute chmod a+x~/.xsession# restart xrdp service systemctl restart xrdp# Hint: It works too if you replace `.xsess...
VNC Viewer “The connection was refused by the computer” error will prevent you from accessing a remote desktop due to an issue connecting with the remote host when you try to connect throughVNC(Virtual Network Computing). The error often occurs when the VNC Server is either not running or ...
Hi , I recently migrated one of my vm from 2.2 to 3.0.I started the vm successfully but when I try to VNC or SPICE from the RHEV-M I get a dialog saying "Failed to connect to Server " for VNC connections and "Error Connecting to virtual machine using spi
I have been experiencing the same problem with a "connection failed" error on my MacBook with ARD 3.0 to Windows XP Pro. I have uninstalled and reinstalled every single VNC server I could find with no luck. Is there anything else I can try or any kind of diagnostic I could run that...
Java viewer: The problem with initial keyboard focus not set to the desktop on some JVMs has been fixed. Other minor improvements and bugfixes. TightVNC 1.2.8 Unix and Win32 versions: Support for a separate view-only password has been implemented. Now the servers support two passwords -- ...
Re: Problem connecting specific PC Post by Albireo1 » 2024-08-12 10:00 Hi! (Thank you!) Messed around for some time with various tests. (with other configurations / switching to another computer that worked with a different IP, etc. Finally I was able to reach the desired computer. ...
Connecting to your VNC Remote Desktop Launch yourVNC Client(orVNC Viewer) application on your local machine and connect to the VNC server using server_ip_address:1 or server_ip_address:5901 . In my case, I will use ...