7.输入“cd vmware-tools-distrib/”进入名为“vmware-tools-distrib”的目录,输入“./vmware-install.pl”尝试安装, 出现错误“-bash: ./vmware-install.pl: /usr/bin/per: bad interpreter: No such file or directory”,表明未安装编译环境。 8.输入“yum -y install perl gcc make kernel-headers kernel...
1.首先启动CentOS 7,在VMware中点击上方“VM”,点击“Install VMware 1.首先启动CentOS 7,在VMware中点击上方“VM”,点击“Install VMware Tools...”(如已安装则显示“Reinstall VMware Tools...”)。 2.在命令行输入“ls /dev”查看。 3.输入“mkdir /mnt/cdrom”在/mnt目录下新建一个名为cdrom的文件...
7.输入“cd vmware-tools-distrib/”进入名为“vmware-tools-distrib”的目录,输入“./vmware-install.pl”尝试安装, 出现错误“-bash: ./vmware-install.pl: /usr/bin/per: bad interpreter: No such file or directory”,表明未安装编译环境。 8.输入“yum -y install perl gcc make kernel-headers kernel...
方法/步骤 1 找到你的VMware tools安装包在哪。我的在root文件夹里。若不是我这个,你通过点击虚拟机左上角VM->install VMware tools...,会弹出一个光盘,双击光盘,会弹出安装包的。2 (安装前确保你是root用户)进入安装包所在文件夹目录,解压。之后,找到VMware-tools-distrib,进入其所在目录下,可以ls查看...
进去查看,可以找到一个vmware-install.pl文件 执行 ./vmware-install.pl 开始安装 Installing VMware Tools. In which directory do you want to install the binary files? [/usr/bin] //选择二进制文件的安装目录,回车默认 What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?
Install VMware Tools in Ubuntu: Install VMware Tool in Ubuntu Server with only a command line interface : Process to Install VMware Tools in an Ubuntu Virtual Machine for Version Ubuntu 12.x and before: VMware Tool in Ubuntu virtual machine can be installed by following graphical user interface...
Installing VMware Tools. In which directory do you want to install the binary files? [/usr/bin] What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? [/etc/rc.d] What is the directory that contains the init scripts?
解决安装VMTOOLS之not installl vmwaretools问题,VMwareTools所在位置:VMware安装路径\VMware\VMwareWorkstation\linux.iso一、首先选中【虚拟机】->【安装VMwareTools(I)...】,如下图:二、[root@localhost~]#mount/media#这个命令可以通过图形操作,点击【计算机】
VMware Tools 12.3.0 version provides support for Windows Arm VMs running on VMware Fusion on Apple silicon. See Manually Install VMware Tools on Windows Arm. This functionality support is limited to: Installer with interactive GUI and command line support 3D Graphics Multiple monitor Resizing fit to...
To install/upgrade VMware Tools with specific list of featuresVMware does not guarantee the following setup command line work in future VMware Tools releases since essential driver feature VMCI is not installed.C:\> setup64.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=R ADDLOCAL=Toolbox,Plugins,Common,VGAuth"VMware ...