For Linux virtualmachines, you manually install or upgradeVMware Toolsby using the command line. Install the latest version ofVMware Tools toenhance the performanceof the virtual machine'sguest operating systemandimprove virtual machinemanagement. When you power on a virtual machine, if a new version...
Install VMware Tool in Ubuntu Server with only a command line interface: Go toVirtual Machine>Install VMware Tools(orVM>Install VMware Tools). Note: Running the light version of Fusion, or a version of Workstation without VMware Tools, or VMware Player, a prompt to download the Tools before ...
cd /home/tsm/Tools/vmware-tools-distrib 6、输入 ./vmware-install.pl进行安装,在安装过程中根据提示进行选择,在此我一路选择回车即可,周详安装过程如下: 在此时最好用root高级用户操作 su [root@tsmpc vmware-tools-distrib]# ./, Creating a new VMware Tools installer database using the...
Install VMware Tool in Ubuntu Server with only a command line interface: Go toVirtual Machine>Install VMware Tools(orVM>Install VMware Tools). Note: Running the light version of Fusion, or a version of Workstation without VMware Tools, or VMware Player, a prompt to download the Tools before ...
在VMware下安装Ubuntu,那么必须安装VMware-tools,才能获得更好的体验,包括屏幕分辨率、声音、和windows共享剪贴板等等。 1、点击VMware菜单的-VM-Install VMware Tools 这时,在Ubuntu下会自动加载Linux版的VMware Tools的安装光盘镜像。你会看到虚拟机的桌面上出现了一个名为VMware Tools的光盘图标,并且被自动打开。
[root@rd01 ~]# cd vmware-tools-distrib [root@rd01 vmware-tools-distrib]# ./ Creating a new installer database using the tar3 format. Installing the content of the package. 安装过程的画面,全部使用默认值,一直按 Enter 就对了 ...
正题:Ubuntu安装虚拟机工具VMware Tool1、点击VMware菜单的-VM-Install VMware Tools (中文的是安装vmware工具)这时,在Ubuntu下会自动加载Linux版的VMware Tools的安装光盘镜像。你会看到虚拟机的桌面上出现了一个名为VMware Tools的光盘图标,并且被自动打开。 其中包括VMwareTools-xxx-i386.rpm和VMwareTools- xxx.tar....
[root@rd01 ~]# cp VMwareTools-5.5.1-19175.tar.gz /tmp[root@rd01 ~]# cd /tmp[root@rd01 ~]# tar zxpf VMwareTools-5.5.1-19175.tar.gz[root@rd01 ~]# cd vmware-tools-distrib[root@rd01 vmware-tools-distrib]# ./vmware-install.plCreating a new installer database using the tar3 ...
2.执行cd/home/用户名/桌面/vmware-tools-distrib 3.执行sudo./注意空格) 4.一路回车,直到最后出现“Enjoy——theVMwareteam”的字样后,VMwareTools终于安装完成了。 Root密码设置: ubuntu系统没让设置root密码,可以根据装系统时的用户修改。 修改方法如下: 在终端输入sudopasswd(回车)...
[/usr/lib/vmware-tools] Thepath "/usr/lib/vmware-tools" does not exist currently. This programisgoingto create it, including needed parent directories. Is thiswhatyou want? [yes] In which directory do you want to install the documentation files?