3.设置VMware Workstation的VM->Option->Shared Folders为Always Enabled。 4.单击VMware Workstationr的VM->Install VMware Tools。 4.在ubuntu中打开终端,输入如下命令: 安装linux-headers: sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) 将VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz安装包解压到/tmp...
Power Status: Make sure your Ubuntu virtual machine is powered on. VMware Tools cannot be installed on a VM that is in a suspended or powered-off state. Network Connectivity: Confirm that the VM has active network connectivity. While not always necessary for the installation itself, network acc...
vmware安装ubuntu卡在install vm-tools vmware,安装ubuntu或者centos,都有这个问题:vmware自作聪明,提示说“快速安装”,然后会使用一个autoinst.iso文件来快速安装,并且装完系统后该重启了,它插入一个操作:安装vm-tools。而这个操作往往卡住很久不动,反倒是让安装系统的过程更慢了。想想看,新人可能因为这个而失去了对l...
在Ubuntu中挂载VMware Tools安装盘: 通常情况下,VMware Tools的ISO镜像会自动挂载到虚拟机的光驱中。你可以通过运行以下命令来确认ISO镜像是否已挂载,并查看挂载点:bash df -h 如果ISO镜像已挂载,你会看到一个类似于/dev/sr0的设备,并指向一个挂载点(如/media/cdrom或/mnt)。
Ubuntu下安装VMware-tools运行VMware-install.pl 闪退问题Ubuntu下安装VMware-tools运行VMware-install.pl 闪退问题Ubuntu下安装VMware-tools运行VMware-install.pl 闪退问题 解压完成VMware-tools的zip包之后需要执行文件中的./vmware-install.pl 但是直接在中断输入./vmware-install.pl,运行后会出现无法正常执行。 vmwareto...
Everything worked fine until last week when I was prompted to reboot my VM due to an update. After rebooting, my Ubuntu resolution reverted back to 800x600 and copying and pasting between my OSX and Ubuntu stopped working. I tried reinst...
This is step by step instructions on how to install Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and VMware tools in VMware Workstation 12 pro. Ubuntu Mate is a flavour of ubuntu and is based on Mate desktop environment. Want to try out Ubuntu Mate, Lets get started: This is strai
Install VMware Tools from the CD-ROM inside of the guest operating system: Installing VMware Tools in a Windows virtual machine Installing VMware Tools in an Ubuntu virtual machine Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using RPM Installing VMware Tools in a Linux virtual machine using...
In this article, we will walk through steps on how to install VMWare tools on Linux guest OS like Red Hat, Ubuntu, Kali, Suse, Debian, etc. Step 1. First make sure you have one empty CD-ROM drive attached with the guest machine. Click on the“Install VMware Tools” link in the war...
require to remove open-vm-tools Mount the VMware tool CD-ROM, as below screenshot shows, When install, it will return error and ask you to remove open-vm-tools, [root@localhost vmware-tools-distrib]# ./vmware-install.pl The installer found the following conflicting packages installed on the...