LSTM风速预测原始的风速序列是一种非线性和不平稳的风速序列,直接针对风速序列进行建模和预测精度不高.论文提出一种基于改进变分模态分解(Improved Variational Mode Decomposition,IVMD)的粒子群优化长短期记忆模型(Particle Swarm Optimization-Long Short-Term Memory,PSO-LSTM)网络相结合的方法对短期风速序列进行预测.I...
To cope with the nonlinear and nonstationarity challenges faced by conventional runoff forecasting models and improve daily runoff prediction accuracy, a hybrid model-based "feature decomposition-component prediction-result reconstruction" named VMD-LSTM-PSO was proposed. First, variational mode decomposition...
Addressing nonlinearities and non-stationarity of load prediction in metro power systems, this study introduces a novel hybrid prediction model that combines PSO with Bayesian optimization, integrated into a VMD-LightGBM-LSTM framework. Firstly, to reduce VMD decomposition residuals and enhance the ...
Prediction of 6-DOF motion response of semi-submersible floating wind turbine in extreme sea conditions using OVMD-FE-PSO-LSTM methodologydoi:10.1177/14750902241239361Huang, JiaruiSong, LeiYang, ZhuoyiWu, QilongJiang, XiaochenWang, ChengProceedings of the Institution of Mechanic...