然后我在VNC下输入vmd 提示:/usr/local/lib/vmd/vmd_LINUX: Command not found.装VMD折腾N久了,请...
"render"bad window path name "main"ERROR) invalid command name "vmd_load_extension_packages"...
然后可能需要等到你去公司之后提供更多的信息才能确认问题了,但是根据你说的 我是在项目下面第一个node16.14.2版本的时候全局安装了一个serve,安装没有报错,但是执行serve的时候报command not found,很有可能是包没有安装成功,%HOMEPATH%\.nvmd\versions\16.14.1目录下不存在serve&serve.cmd等serve包的入口文件。
2.2、设置软链接 2.3、解决 执行ipython时 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘CommandNotFound’ 报错 2.4、解决 执行ipython时 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘IPython’ 报错 3、Ubuntu安装PyCharm 说明: 1、VMware安装Ubuntu16.4虚拟机 1.1、下载Ubuntu镜像文件 Ubuntu16.4镜像文件下载地址:阿里云开源镜...
然后source .bashrc,此时运行vmd一般来说均可正常运行。 Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu) 在Ubuntu子系统中缺少libGL.so.1、libXinerama.so.1、libXi.so.6三个库,需要安装: sudo apt install mesa-utils libxinerama-dev libxi6 确保Xming已经运行,.bashrc已经加入 ...
Launch "Install.cmd" by right-click Run as admin > Restart your PC when the command prompt window disappears- Intel VMD Drivers (Drivers Only) :Drivers : WHQL [25/10/2024]Download : LinkInstall/Update Process :- Press Windows key + X > Device Manager > Right-click on your...
invalid command name "/home/jmx/program/vmd-1.9.4a38/plugins/noarch/tcl/wisp-1.1/pkgIndex....
Command 1: cd {path to where your driver.exe is stored, you can copy it from its Properties}Command 2: ./{driver file name} -extractdrivers blablablaOnce you have placed the drivers extracted folder into your bootable usb. Load into your bios, enable VMD and then bo...
然后根据默认选择,输入序列号,最后accept,安装成功。 验证安装,可以执行命令$ifort-v 提示ifortcommand cann't found,不急。打开主文件夹下.bashrc文件,在最后加入一行命令source/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/064/bin/ifortvars.sh ia32,保存退出,再执行命令$ifort-v 一切ok。
The RSTCLI utility must be executed from an administrator command prompt. If you attempt to execute the RSTCLI utility from a non-administrator command prompt, you will receive the following message: "Could not obtain system information to display middleware version." The utility is: • rstcli...