MOPAC2XYZ:将MOPAC的几何优化过程转换为xyz轨迹文件的工具一文中的方法结果出现了 invalid command name ...
但还是出现了问题,以下是我修改后的文件,这次是within这里出现了报错(invalid command name),但是反复...
尝试过::TopoTools::mergemols[list ID1 ID2],但一直显示invalid command name,怎样解决?求大佬...
在“VMD TkConsole”中输入“crystal [atomselect top "all"]” 为什么提示“invalid command name ...
$install_library_dir="/home/njzjz/soft/vmd-1.9.3/lib/$install_name"; 保存。 ./configure LINUXAMD64 ./configure cd src make install 在$HOME/.bashrc文件中加入 export PATH=/home/njzjz/soft/vmd-1.9.3/bin:$PATH 然后source .bashrc,此时运行vmd一般来说均可正常运行。
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Namespace array is not a 0xFFFFFFFF and NamespaceId was not returned on a previous call to GetNextNamespace(). **/ typedef EFI_STATUS (EFIAPI *NVM_EXPRESS_PASS_THRU_GET_NEXT_NAMESPACE)( IN NVM_EXPRESS_PASS_THRU_PROTOCOL *This, ...
bonedeform now handles bones with invalid partial inherit, though this should never be needed in a good model re-order stages in pmx_overall_cleanup and improved printing overhaul identify_unused_bones with new recursive strategy, cleaner & easier to understand & gives better results more accurate...
bonedeform now handles bones with invalid partial inherit, though this should never be needed in a good model re-order stages in pmx_overall_cleanup and improved printing overhaul identify_unused_bones with new recursive strategy, cleaner & easier to understand & gives better results more accurate...
Slave mode DSPI timing (full voltage range) (continued) Num DS9 DS10 DS11 DS12 DS13 DS14 DS15 DS16 Description DSPI_SCK input cycle time DSPI_SCK input high/low time DSPI_SCK to DSPI_SOUT valid DSPI_SCK to DSPI_SOUT invalid DSPI_SIN to DSPI_SCK input setup DSPI_SCK to DSPI_SIN...
19 CY-VMD9000U Name of Controls and Functions coninen Remote Control Unit Aim the remote control unit at the remote control sensor of the display unit and operate it. [NAVD (NAVIGATION) [MODE] e@ Activates/inactivates the car navi- Switches ony/off the power. gation. (mpage 40) ...