VLP RNA Extraction Control Custom ProjectPrior to starting the projectP erform an initial test using the standard VLP RNA Extraction Control ( MDX068 or MDX069 ) to confirm the format fits your requirements Q ualify the custom control sequence(s) by running a standard RT-qPCR with (1) ...
Sera were collected at day 2 post-infection and tested for viremia by RT followed by qPCR for ZIKV E RNA. Sera taken prior to infection were used as a negative control and used to determine the limit of detection (Ct value = 36.7; shown as a dashed line). 4. Discussion and ...
Pixel density analysis of the four target proteins revealed that all shRNA treatments resulted in a 50% or greater knockdown efficacy (Fig. 1f). Specifically, DNA (p-value = 0,0062) treatment achieved a relative expression level of 0.5 compared to the control, followed by ATR at 0.38 ...
RNA was extracted with an Indimag robot (Indical Bioscience, Leipzig, Germany) using bead-based technology. First, the samples were disrupted at 25 Hz for 2 min in a tissue-lyzer (TissueLyser II, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), spun down and supernatant was collected for RNA extraction with the...
Adaptive laboratory evolution has been used to improve production of influenza hemagglutinin (HA)-displaying virus-like particles (VLPs) in insect cells. However, little is known about the underlying biological mechanisms promoting higher HA-VLP expressi
The development and adoption of digital twins (DT) for Quality-by-Design (QbD)-based processes with flexible operating points within a proven acceptable range (PAR) and automation through Advanced Process Control (APC) with Process Analytical Technology (PAT) instead of conventional process execution...
Briefly, the overnight cultures of each cryptococcal strain were collected, and the pellets were used for total RNA extraction after being washed twice with ddH2O. Total RNAs were extracted and purified using an Omega Total RNA kit II (Omega Bio-tek, USA), and the first-strand cDNAs were ...
The PAT approaches presented above can be used in combination with a digital twin for advanced process control and in-line process optimization [36,62]. Moreover, PAT can compensate inaccuracies of the model by providing additional measurement data [36]. Therefore, the aim of this study was ...