vLLM now haspipeline parallelism! (#4412,#5408,#6115,#6120). You can now run the API server with--pipeline-parallel-size. This feature is in early stage, please let us know your feedback. 2. 配置 ParallelConfig: pipeline_parallel_size: Number of pipeline parallel groups. 参数验证: Engin...
Pipeline parallelism 是 transformers 库在 v4.6 版本中引入的一种新的并行处理技术,它允许用户在多个处理器(如 CPU、GPU)上并行执行不同的步骤,例如 tokenization、padding、model inference 等。通过设置--pipeline-parallel-size参数,你可以指定 pipeline parallelism 的规模。这个参数的值应该等于你想要并行运行的处理...
Open [Bug][Ray]: Pipeline parallelism fails on the same host#14093 Description bkutasi opened on Mar 2, 2025· edited by bkutasi Edits Your current environment Using the 0.7.3 ghcr.io/sasha0552/vllm:v0.7.3 (pascal docker from pascal-pkgs-ci) and the same version directly from vllm ...
Hope you're all doing great! I‘m focusing on pipeline parallel inference and I hope it can be support on vllm. I noticed that pipeline parallelism was on the old roadmap(#244) , but it's not on the new roadmap(#2681). Just curious, was there a specific reason you guys decided ...
{'pipeline_parallel_size': 1, 'tensor_parallel_size': 2, 'worker_use_ray': True, 'max_parallel_loading_workers': None, 'disable_custom_all_reduce': False, 'tokenizer_pool_config': None, 'ray_workers_use_nsight': False, 'placement_group': None, 'world_size': 2} ...
vLLM 是一个高性能的大语言模型推理框架,通过创新的 PagedAttention 机制和优化的内存管理,实现了高吞吐量和低延迟的文本生成服务。本文将深入分析 vLLM 的源码,重点关注其调用流程、高级 Python 语法应用以及核心工作机制,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这一强大工具。
vllm [性能]:多节点管道并行双带宽,性能无变化请使用export NCCL_DEBUG=TRACE查看nccl信息。很有可能...
vllm [性能]:多节点管道并行双带宽,性能无变化你可以使用https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/...
支持k8s 集群部署,通过流水线并行(Pipeline Parallelism)扩展至多台服务器。 五、选型建议 1. 选择 SGLang 的场景 需要处理复杂的多轮交互任务(如对话系统、规划代理)。 要求生成结构化输出(如 API 调用结果需严格遵循 JSON 格式)。 需深度定制生成逻辑或优化缓存复用。
vLLM is flexible and easy to use with: Seamless integration with popular Hugging Face models High-throughput serving with various decoding algorithms, includingparallel sampling,beam search, and more Tensor parallelism and pipeline parallelism support for distributed inference ...