vlc for android apk介绍 vlc安卓2021最新版本是免费开源的跨平台多媒体播放器,可播放大多数多媒体文件以及光盘、设备和网络流媒体协议。 vlc for android tv特色 这是VLC 媒体播放器到 Android 平台的端口。 VLC for Android 可以播放任何视频和音频文件,以及网络流、网络共享和驱动器以及 DVD ISO,就像桌面版的 VL...
VLC for Android, Android TV and ChromeOS. Contribute to videolan/vlc-android development by creating an account on GitHub.
VLC-Android build relies on gradle build modes :Release & Debug will get LibVLC and Medialibrary from Bintray, and build application source code only. SignedRelease also, but it will allow you to sign application apk with a local keystore. Dev will build build LibVLC, Medialibrary, and ...
VLC-Android build relies on gradle build modes : Release&Debugwill get LibVLC and Medialibrary from Bintray, and build application source code only. SignedReleasealso, but it will allow you to sign application apk with a local keystore. Devwill build build LibVLC, Medialibrary, and then bui...
一、下载VLC源码: git clone https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android.git 编译apk: sh compile.sh -a armeabi-v7a 生成路径:vlc-android/build/outputs/apk/vanilla
一、暴风影音-本地版 下载地址:http://app.shafa.com/apk/baofengyingyin.htm 一句话点评:本地视频播放APP,支持主流媒体格式,无需转码就能播。 截图欣赏: ~~~ 二、魔力万能播放器 下载地址:http://app.shafa.com/apk/moliwannengbofangqi.htm 一句话 +11 分享661 飞利浦吧 虫子在路上 飞利浦必备7大本地...
alpha android apk vlc Replies: 6 Forum: Thunderbolt General D Thread Working VLC for Android Found here, where newer builds are posted on Fridays at 1AM EST. Works here on CM7 7.1.0 RC1. Had a crash when trying to load a large directory, with a lot of files in it. Tested a ...
一、暴风影音-本地版 下载地址:http://app.shafa.com/apk/baofengyingyin.htm 一句话点评:本地视频播放APP,支持主流媒体格式,无需转码就能播。 截图欣赏: ~~~ 二、魔力万能播放器 下载地址:http://app.shafa.com/apk/moliwannengbofangqi.htm 一句话点评:全格式万能高清视频、音频本地万能播放器。 +11 34...
How to Download VLC Media 64-bit for Android Apk? Steps to download VLC media player for Android. Launch your device’s Google Play Store app. Tap on the search bar at the top of the screen and type in “VLC Media Player” in the search bar. Choose the official VLC player app from...