vlc播放器安卓版即vlc for android,又名vlc媒体播放器,堪称手机上最强大的媒体格式文件播放器,支持各种音频文件,并且可以和很多视频解码器一起使用。很多朋友还不知道vlc手机版上线了,所以,赶快来体验下吧! vlc播放器手机中文版介绍 VLC媒体播放器是一个自由和开放源码,跨平台的多媒体播放器,播放多媒体文件以及光盘...
Free APK Download for Android Install from Google PlayThe APK download button contains VLC for Android APK 3.5.4 Alternatives to VLC for Android 5 Free foobar2000 foobar2000 Mobile: Advanced Audio Player for Android 4 Free VLC for Android A robust open-source media player for mobile 3.9 Free...
To sum up, VLC for Android does an admirable job of replicating the experience of its desktop counterparts to great results. It's just as intuitive and feature-rich, and it will satisfy most users' needs for an all-around media player solution. The UI could use some sprucing up and addit...
vlc for android 中文是拥有强大功能的视频播放器软件,它支持多种格式的音频和视频文件在线播放,同时该应用为了用户有更好的使用体验,还专门设计了一些贴心的小功能,所以大家上手操作使用也很简单,不信的话现在就可以体验下。 vlc for android apk介绍 vlc安卓2021最新版本是免费开源的跨平台多媒体播放器,可播放大多...
VLC-Android-3.2.11-armeabi-v7a.apk 订阅链接 订阅后链接内容更新时您将收到实时通知 下载(42.4M)保存到网盘 过期时间:永久有效 赞(0) 文件大小:42.4Mc**db 暂无签名 加为好友 ©2025 Baidu 服务协议|权利声明|版本更新|帮助中心|问题反馈|版权投诉|企业认证...
Download VLC APK Latest Version Free for Android now. With this music and video player, you’ll be able to play and enjoy most multimedia files on your device.
VLC 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于VLC 大小 34.5 MB 更新时间 2023-02-18 版本 3.5.3 Build 1
VLC 适用于 Android 设备 安装 举报应用 关于VLC 大小 34.5 MB 更新时间 2023-08-22 版本 3.5.4 Build 1
VLC-Android build relies on gradle build modes : Release & Debug will get LibVLC and Medialibrary from Bintray, and build application source code only. SignedRelease also, but it will allow you to sign application apk with a local keystore. Dev will build build LibVLC, Medialibrary, and ...
vlc-for-android-3-2-9.apk 上传者:qq_25464557时间:2021-07-13 编译android VLC时,需要的组件:aom-v1.0.0.errata.1.tar.gz 编译android VLC时,需要的组件:aom-v1.0.0.errata.1.tar.gz 将该包放置在vlc-android/vlc/contrib/tarballs目录下