在通过汇聚链路时,这次数据帧被附加上属于蓝色VLAN的识别信息(Frame 3)。 交换机收到这个帧后,检索蓝色VLAN的MAC地址列表,确认需要将它转发给端口3。 由于端口3是通常的访问链接,因此转发前会先将VLAN识别信息去除(Frame 4)。最终,计算机C成功地收到交换机转发来的数据帧。 整体的流程,与使用外部路由器时的情况十...
I understand we need to create Layer 2 vlan for Vlan 10 and layer 3 vlan for Vlan 20 , but was not sure what config i need to put if any one can help will be great I have this problem too Labels: LAN Switching 0 Helpful Reply All...
multicast layer-2 instance instance-id 配置二层组播实例中的节目组。配置二层组播实例中的节目组后,二层组播实例仅转发在节目组内的组播数据。 import-channel group-address { mask | mask-length } 配置二层组播实例与VLAN之间的映射关系。 multicast-instance vlan vlan-id3 (可选)配置禁止二层组播实例VLAN收...
I understand we need to create Layer 2 vlan for Vlan 10 and layer 3 vlan for Vlan 20 , but was not sure what config i need to put if any one can help will be great I have this problem too Labels: LAN Switching 0 Helpful Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 ...
1. Layer 3 Switch: A VLAN is designed to segment broadcast domains at layer 2, meaning a switch will only allow traffic within the same VLAN (it won't pass traffic from one VLAN to another VLAN). However, there are options available to route traffic from one VLAN to another VLAN. A ...
1. Layer 3 Switch: A VLAN is designed to segment broadcast domains at layer 2, meaning a switch will only allow traffic within the same VLAN (it won't pass traffic from one VLAN to another VLAN). However, there are options available to route traffic from one VLAN to another VLAN. A ...
仅对主 VLAN 配置第 3 层 (L3) VLAN 接口。如果 VLAN 具有隔离或社区 VLAN 配置,则隔离和社区 VLAN 的 VLAN 接口将处于非活动状态。 可以使用中继在交换机之间扩展 PVLAN。中继端口承载来自常规 VLAN 的数据流,以及来自主 VLAN、隔离 VLAN 和社区 VLAN 的数据流。如果进行中继的两个交换机都支持 PVLAN,Cis...
bridge_netfilter在链路层Bridge代码中插入了几个能够被iptables调用的钩子函数,Bridge中数据包在经过这些钩子函数时,iptables规则被执行(上图中最下层Link Layer中的绿色方框即是iptables插入到链路层的chain,蓝色方框为ebtables chain)。这就使得{ip,ip6,arp}tables能够”看见”Bridge中的IPv4,ARP等数据包。这样不管此...
This document describes the configuration of Ethernet services, including configuring MAC address table, link aggregation, VLANs, VLAN aggregation, MUX VLAN, VLAN termination, Voice VLAN, VLAN mapping, QinQ, GVRP, VCMP, STP/RSTP/MSTP, VBST, SEP, RRPP, ERPS, LBDT, and Layer 2 protocol tran...
步骤2.单击Add 创建新的VLAN并输入VLAN参数。步骤3.添加单个VLAN检查VLAN单选按钮并输入VLAN信息。重复此步骤以创建其他VLAN。· VLAN ID — VLAN编号。· VLAN名称 — VLAN说明。步骤4.添加VLAN范围检查范围单选按钮,然后输入IP地址范围。· VLAN范围 — VLAN编号范...