layer 2 vlan security vlansecurity sw-1(config)# interface fa0/23 sw-1(config- shutdownsw-1(config- switchportmode trunk sw-1(config- switchporttrunk native vlan 15 sw-1(config- switchportnonegotiate sw-2(config)# interface fa0/23 sw-2(config- shutdownsw-2(config- switchportmode trunk ...
攻击者可以尝试通过发送成千上万拥有不同MAC地址的报文耗尽交换机上的MAC地址表;这将导致交换机会把报文发送至同一个VLAN下的所有交换机端口,攻击者便可嗅探网络中的所有报文。这被称为CAM表溢出攻击 You can use port security to limit the number of MAC addresses that the switchport can learn: 可以通过端...
Switch(config)# ip source binding mac-address vlan vlan-id ip-address interface type mod/num 例如:Switch(config)# ip source binding 0016.d49f.4866 vlan 104 interface fa0/2 Switch(config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 trust端口,连接DHCP服务器或者上联端口 Switch(config-if)#...
Configuring VLANs About VLANs The Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) technology divides a physical LAN into multiple logical LANs. It has the following benefits: · Security—Hosts in the same VLAN can communicate with one another ...
Security Risk Query Configuration Weak Password Dictionary Maintenance Configuration Layer 2 Traffic Suppression Configuration Overview of Layer 2 Traffic Suppression Configuration Precautions for Layer 2 traffic suppression Configuring VLAN-based Layer 2 Traffic Suppression Trusted System ConfigurationLayer...
Usingprivate VLANs addresses the scalability problem and provides IP address management benefits for service providers and Layer 2 security for customers. These sections describe how private VLANs work: Types of Private VLANs and Private-VLAN Ports ...
port-security protect-action { protect | restrict | shutdown } //配置端口安全保护动作。 port-security aging-timetime[ type { absolute | inactivity } ] //配置接口学习到的安全动态MAC地址的老化时间,默认学习的安全动态MAC地址不老化 display mac-addresssecurityvlanvlan-idinterfaceverbose display mac-add...
# On the router, configure Eth2/0/2 connecting to the RADIUS server as an access interface, and add Eth2/0/2 to VLAN 20. [Router] interface ethernet 2/0/2 [Router-Ethernet2/0/2] port link-type access [Router-Ethernet2/0/2] port default vlan 20 [Router-Eth...
Inter-site VLAN encryption, VLAN encrypted link Ethernet to ethernet encryption for layer 2 security Links LAN to LAN to bridge sites together Drop-in microwave link encrypter Common Criteria encryption appliance Layer 2 Raw ethernet transport between units ...