所以最方便的方法,就是用两条I2C总线,一般MCU都会有2个或以上的I2C资源。 //the original code by Ted Meyers//posted here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diyrovers/lc7NUZYuJOg/ICPrYNJGBgAJ#include<Wire.h>#defineVL53L0X_REG_IDENTIFICATION_MODEL_ID0xc0#defineVL53L0X_REG_IDENTIFICATION_REVISION_...
当将ESP32 与 Arduino IDE 搭配使用时,请使用 wire 库以使用 I2C 与设备通信。使用此库,你可以按以下方式初始化 I2C: Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); 因此,你只需要在驱动器上设置所需的 SDA 和 SCL GPIO 即可。 I2C_SDA 和 I2C_SCL 变量。具体驱动这个的方法看我下面的文 章 VL53L0X 激光测距传感器...
最大为327680字节。esptool.pyv2.6Serialport COM4Connecting...Chipis ESP32D0WDQ6 (revision 1)Features:WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme NoneMAC:f0:08:d1:d1:7d:c4Uploadingstub...Runningstub...Stubrunning...Changingbaud rate to 921600Changed.Configuring...
I used ESP-IDF 5.0.2. The state of this project is very MVP like. I left plenty of logs in the code. It all works fine but at this point a better sensor like the vl53l1x would be my next move. I would also try ultrasonic sensors because lighting conditions tend to affect these ...
https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32 代码语言:javascript 复制 项目使用了221281字节,占用了(16%)程序存储空间。最大为1310720字节。全局变量使用了16092字节,(4%)的动态内存,余留311588字节局部变量。最大为327680字节。 esptool.py v2.6Serial portCOM4Connecting...Chip isESP32D0WDQ6(revision1)Fea...
需要的库开发板/* This example shows how to use continuous mode to takerange measurements with the VL53L0X. It is based onvl53l0x_ContinuousRanging_Example.c from the VL53L0X API.The range readings are in units of mm. */#include <VL53L0X.h>#include
调试完毕后,将Phyphox、Esp32和VL53L0X实验组合放置在竖直悬挂的弹簧振子的下方,当弹簧振子上下振动时,手机屏幕上就动态地绘制出了弹簧振子的位移时间关系图像。 将数据图像展成全屏,选取10个周期进行测量,可以得到弹簧振子的周期为0.955秒,十分精确。 其实VL53L0X位移传感器就是一个测位移的工具,只要物体在一条直线上...
Code: Select all VL53L0X_Dev_t dev = {0x00}; dev.i2c_address = 0x52; dev.i2c_port_num = 21; error = VL53L0X_StaticInit(&dev); But it gives me following error: E (2468) i2c: C:/esp-idf/components/driver/i2c.c:1110 (i2c_master_cmd_begin):i2c number error I am not real...
Wemos D1 Mini Pro V3.0 NodeMcu 4MB/16MB bytes Lua WIFI Internet of Things Development board based ESP8266 CH340G Nodemcu V2 $1.46 - $3.20 Min. order: 1 piece New Motor 2WD Smart Robot Car Chassis Kit Speed Encoder Battery Box With 2 Motors Magician Robotics Platform $1.89 Min. order:...
下面就来将激光测距模块与ESP32开发板连接到一起。在这里,IIC通信使用的是ESP32的默认引脚21和22。具体连接如下表所示: 接下来就是打开开发软件Arduino IDE,首先需要安装VL53L0X的库,利用库可以免去我们很多底层的开发工作,需不要关注IIC通信的细节,也不需要仔细的去了解VL53L0X内部寄存器的结构,使用库文件所提供的...