ERROR: [Synth 8-517] overlapping choice 1'b1 in case statement [*/top.vhd:53] Below is the code snippet: case s is when '1' => return(1); when '0' => return(0) when 'L' => return(1); when 'H' => return(0); when others => return(0); endcase; ...
执行“synth_design -top system_wrapper -part xc7z010clg400-1”(文件“system_wrapper.tcl”第38行)INFO:[Common 17-206] 2015年2月18日星期三17:17:37退出Vivado ... xinfo.txt 62 KB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello. I'v got the following licnese error while I was trying to synthesis ...
综合'和/或设备'xc7z010'0 Infos,1警告,0严重警告和1个错误的许可证.synth_design failedERROR:[...
此警告只会出现在通过xdc编写管脚约束的情况下。如果在Synthesized Design中修改管脚约束并由此生成xdc文件是不会出错的。 回到顶部 Implement Error [IP_Flow 19-3805] Failed to generate and synthesize debug IPs. error copying "xxx": no such file or directory 此错误表示创建ila即debug core时出现错误,具体...
Error: [Synth 8-2442] non-net port I_CLK cannot be of mode input ["*/demo.v":40] Error: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details Solution These errors occur because the default net type is changed by the `default_nettype...
synth_design failed ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console or run log file for details INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Thu Feb 21 2322 2019... 正如您在日志中可以清楚地看到的那样,当工具试图对设计进行细分时发生了崩溃。
Set the include_dirs option to the location of the include.v file in the synth_design command or Synthesis settings. synth_design -top top -part xc7k70tfbg484-2 -include_dirs {../source_inclu} Please refer to (Xilinx Answer 54006) for more information about include file settings.Vivado...
【问题10】Vivado-Synthesis: Verilog parameter overridden within instantiation fails with "ERROR:[Synth 8-3438]" 答:这句提示是说:在例化的时候,参数TBYTE_SCR在设计文件里找不到。即原设计文件里没有TBYTE_SCR,但例化的时候又使用了。 【问题11】布线里route design跑很久,不知是什么回事?
52333 - Why does Vivado Synthesis generate "ERROR: [Synth 8-2914] Unsupported RAM template" when more than two clocks are present within a block RAM memory inferring HDL code? Sep 23, 2021 Knowledge Title 52333 - Why does Vivado Synthesis generate "ERROR: [Synth 8-2914] Unsupported RAM tem...
I was trying to implement xilinx video series 32: Implementing video_mixer example design on ZC702. Unfortunately, I ran into two sets of Out of Context Module not found errors during the synthesis stage. They are as follows: - [Synth 8-439] module 'ZC702_V_MIX_v_tpg_0_0_v_tpg...