右上角这个Running状态变成Complete 选择View Reports来看看报告,一般没有报错就可以进行下一步操作 开始仿真,仿真需要添加一个仿真文件: Add Sources -> Add or create simulation sources->next->create File->file name 改成你design文件名_tb(test bench)->ok->finish->OK->Yes 这样在Sources->Simulation Sou...
右上角这个Running状态变成Complete img 选择View Reports来看看报告,一般没有报错就可以进行下一步操作 开始仿真,仿真需要添加一个仿真文件: Add Sources -> Add or create simulation sources->next->create File->file name 改成你design文件名_tb(test bench)->ok->finish->OK->Yes 这样在Sources->Simulation...
再在弹出的框里选择OK。 7. 此时在右上方可以看到有Running synth_deign的提示。如果综合完成则会提示,Synthsis Complete。并弹出如下框。当然这里可以选择 Run Implementation。也可以选择其它两个。真正的设计当中,在这里我们一般不着急继续Run Implementation。而是先看看综合后的时序报告。当然这里就不多做介绍了。 ...
I've noticed the runme.log file (and several others) gets locked open and can't be deleted in windows explorer, so synth can't reopen the files and hangs. I've also seen "Running DRC on 2 threads" hang because the some_act...
Hi,I am using Ultrascale\+ MpSoC zcu104. I am running Ubuntu 18.04 with Vivado 2019.2. When I try to run sythesis, it generates synth_design ERROR. When I check the /.vivado.error.rst file, it is empty. It is also not showing what the error
对于调试帮助,请搜索Xilinx支持“许可常见问题解答”。执行“synth_design -top system_wrapper -part ...
Inpiemeriraiion/ Ofjeri Irfipitrr tjriidu D*ib yrij Procram nd LieouaBittrpaTi SptingGnrai Bit streamOpen Hardware MangerLd.Jnch MPACT2.16.右上角可以查看现在正在干什么,不开心了可以点 和 log :Can cel,下面还可以看一些reportRunning synth_design | | fmntElINFO: IWOt IHFQ; INFC: IWOt ...
右上角的进度条 “Running synth_design” 指示正在对工程进行综合。 26、综合完成之后在弹出的 框中选择 “Open Synthesized Design”,并点击 “OK”,打 开综合后的工程。 10 Xilinx 全球合作伙伴 27、在“I/O Ports” 窗口中对输入输出信号添加管脚约束。首先在 “I/O Std” 一栏通过 下拉按钮选择 “ S33...
The equivalent Tcl commands are: set_property USED_IN_SYNTHESIS false [get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc] set_property USED_IN_IMPLEMENTATION true [get_files wave_gen_pins.xdc] When running Vivado in Non-Project Mode, you can read in the constraints directly between any steps of the flow. The ...
Before running "start_gui", if you manually run "reorder_files -auto," then you will NOT see the out of date message when the GUI is launched. The key difference here is that running "open_project" then "synth_design" from Tcl is NOT equivalent to "opening a project in the GUI" (...