PROGRAM AND DEBUG->generate Bitstream(下载到FPGA芯片里面去的程序 点击求和符号->Runing synth_design等待->这一步完成了后连接开发板和电脑,并对开发板进行供电->PROGRAM AND DEBUG->Open Hardware Manager->auto connect 然后这一步如果都没问题->PROGRAM AND DEBUG->Program Device->Program然后就开始下载了...
img 右上角这个Running状态变成Complete img 选择View Reports来看看报告,一般没有报错就可以进行下一步操作 开始仿真,仿真需要添加一个仿真文件: Add Sources -> Add or create simulation sources->next->create File->file name 改成你design文件名_tb(test bench)->ok->finish->OK->Yes 这样在Sources->Simu...
再在弹出的框里选择OK。 7. 此时在右上方可以看到有Running synth_deign的提示。如果综合完成则会提示,Synthsis Complete。并弹出如下框。当然这里可以选择 Run Implementation。也可以选择其它两个。真正的设计当中,在这里我们一般不着急继续Run Implementation。而是先看看综合后的时序报告。当然这里就不多做介绍了。 ...
I've noticed the runme.log file (and several others) gets locked open and can't be deleted in windows explorer, so synth can't reopen the files and hangs. I've also seen "Running DRC on 2 threads" hang because the some_act...
将对设计进行综合,并执行分析。非工程模式下运行设计综合并执行分析的步骤如下所示。公众号:OpenFPGA第一步:在“Vivado%”提示符后输入“synth_design -top top -part xc7a75tfgg484-1”命令,对设计进行综合 synth_design命令完整的语法格式为: synth_design[-name][-part][-constrset][-top][-include_dirs...
Hi,I am using Ultrascale\+ MpSoC zcu104. I am running Ubuntu 18.04 with Vivado 2019.2. When I try to run sythesis, it generates synth_design ERROR. When I check the /.vivado.error.rst file, it is empty. It is also not showing what the error
要检查该工具是否已使用并行流程,您可以在综合日志中查找“Multithreading enabled for synth_design…”消息。 以下消息确认已使用并行流程完成了“Synthesis”,且设计与增量综合运行兼容: 'INFO: [Synth 8-5580] Multithreading enabled for synth_design using a maximum of 4 processes.' (INFO:[Synth 8-5580] ...
Before running "start_gui", if you manually run "reorder_files -auto," then you will NOT see the out of date message when the GUI is launched. The key difference here is that running "open_project" then "synth_design" from Tcl is NOT equivalent to "opening a project in the GUI" (...
56303 - Vivado - "synth_design" in batch mode appears to be getting an incorrect file list when multiple top-level designs exist in a project Description My design consists of multiple top levels that I can switch between as required when implementing portions of my overall FPGA project. I ...