在behavioral simulation中能够正常使用,但是运行post-implementation,却报错说module not found。 问题分析:可能是仿真激励文件不参与综合,而该rom是使用ip核生成的,猜测是没有生成对应的时序文件 问题解决:没能直接解决该问题,后使用$readmemb覆盖了reg[width-1:0]mem[depth-1:0],进而实现了post-implementation simula...
vivado仿真出错: Please check the Tcl console or log files for more information. Vivado 仿真出错:[VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module instance 解决方法:在vivado页面设置 vivado Settings --> simulation --> advanced 1. 1 选择Include all design sources for simulatio...
在vivado里面仿真时出现这个是什么原因啊[VRFC 10-2063] Module <pro_138ymq> not found while processing module instance <inst> ["C:/vivado files/pro_syip/pro_syip.s ...
When running a timing simulation from the Vivado GUI using ModelSim in Vivado 2013.1, it fails with the below errors: # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(28): Module 'GND' is not defined. # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(30): Module 'VCC' is not defined....
vivado xsim仿真error:module 'xpm_memory_sdpram' not found 在vivado里利用 Xilinx Parameterized Macros(XPM) 原语例化的 直接仿真会出现 module找不到的错误, 在tcl里输入一下指令就好了, set_property XPM_LIBRARIES {XPM_CDC XPM_MEMORY} [current_project]......
功能'v_tpg'的安全IP的许可证检查失败。退出Synthesis.License检查诊断:,--- ---已完成...
What I found is that the direct cause is the input of s_axis_data_tvalid to the FIR ip. If this pin is kept at low or high all the time, there is no simulation errror. Please take a look. thx. Sam LikeReply debrajr (AMD) 10 years ago **BEST...
When I run compile_simlib to compile Vivado simulation libraries for VCS-MX, it fails for the hdmi_gt_controller_v1_0_0 IP. The error message is as follows. Error-[ITSFM] Illegal `timescale for module /vivado/data/ip/xilinx/hdmi_gt_controller_v1_0/hdl/src/verilog/hdmi_gt_controller...
languageissettoMixed,thesamemoduleforbothlanguagescanbesenttothesimulator bydifferentIP. TheVivadosimulatorisamixedlanguagesimulatorandcanhandlesimulationmodelsin bothVHDLandVerilog.Ifyouareusingathird-partysimulatorandhavelicenseforasingle languageonly,changetheSimulatorlanguagetomatchyourlicense. IftheIPdoesnotdeliv...
64349 - Vivado Simulator does not compile a module even though it is included in the project and is marked for use in simulation Description Post-synthesis functional simulation is generating the following warning in reference to the sp_ram module during static elaboration: ...