VIVADO ERROR:[Synth 8-439] module ‘XXX‘ not found 错误如图所示: 问题原因:Vivado 2021.2中关于HLS的操作都不兼容2022年份这个系统时间。 解决办法: 将window的系统时间给成2021年之前,复位工程reset_pro,再次编译就好了。
54074 - Vivado - "Module not found" error for an EDIF module Description I have exported an EDIF file from a Vivado project in order to use it as a submodule of another project. Then, I added the .edf file to my new project and instantiated it in a top level. The design hierarchy...
Unfortunately, I ran into two sets of Out of Context Module not found errors during the synthesis stage. They are as follows: - [Synth 8-439] module 'ZC702_V_MIX_v_tpg_0_0_v_tpg' not found ["d:/My_Projects/XVES_0032/hw/proj_1/proj_1.srcs/sources_1/bd/ZC702_V_MIX/ip...
vivado仿真出错: Please check the Tcl console or log files for more information. Vivado 仿真出错:[VRFC 10-2063] Module not found while processing module instance 解决方法:在vivado页面设置 vivado Settings --> simulation --> advanced 1. 1 选择Include all design sources for simulatio...
# ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(30): Module 'VCC' is not defined. # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(37): Module 'IBUF' is not defined. # ** Error: /work.simplestSim_tb_time_impl.v(46): Module 'FDCE' is not defined. ...
(Xilinx Answer 54074) Vivado Synthesis - Synthesis give a "Module not found" error for an EDIF module.(Xilinx Answer 55989) Vivado Synthesis - Why will a Xilinx IP not get flattened completely?(Xilinx Answer 56371) Vivado Synthesis - How do you speed up XDC constraints processing during ...
Fatal Error. License Check failed for secure IP for feature 'v_tpg'. Exiting Synthesis.License ...
【问题10】Vivado-Synthesis: Verilog parameter overridden within instantiation fails with "ERROR:[Synth 8-3438]" 答:这句提示是说:在例化的时候,参数TBYTE_SCR在设计文件里找不到。即原设计文件里没有TBYTE_SCR,但例化的时候又使用了。 【问题11】布线里route design跑很久,不知是什么回事?
【问题10】Vivado-Synthesis: Verilog parameter overridden within instantiation fails with "ERROR:[Synth 8-3438]" 答:这句提示是说:在例化的时候,参数TBYTE_SCR在设计文件里找不到。即原设计文件里没有TBYTE_SCR,但例化的时候又使用了。 【问题11】布线里route design跑很久,不知是什么回事?
vivado xsim仿真error:module 'xpm_memory_sdpram' not found 在vivado里利用 Xilinx Parameterized Macros(XPM) 原语例化的 直接仿真会出现 module找不到的错误, 在tcl里输入一下指令就好了, set_property XPM_LIBRARIES {XPM_CDC XPM_MEMORY} [current_project]......